Espen Nakstad, Coronavirus | Nakstad with disappointing virus message to Norwegians


Sooner or later it will appear.

British authorities confirmed on Wednesday that a new variant of the coronavirus has been discovered in the United Kingdom that may be linked to South Africa. This variant should be even more contagious than the one that has caused concern in the country in the past.

Also read: South African-related Corona variant discovered in Great Britain

– The UK is now introducing travel restrictions for people coming from South Africa. All travelers arriving from South Africa in the past two weeks should immediately isolate themselves, said British Health Minister Matt Hancock.


Norwegian health authorities are closely monitoring developments, with Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad telling Dagbladet it will take time to find out if this has anything to do with immunity and vaccines.

Also read: Norway stops entry from the UK with immediate effect

– We work on the basis of the approach that sooner or later will appear in all countries, says Nakstad.

Common mutations

Last week it emerged that a new coronavirus mutation, which British researchers say may be up to 70 percent more contagious, has spread rapidly in England. Mutations occur frequently, and experts note that there is no evidence that this mutant is more lethal or resistant to vaccines than other coronary variants.

However, the findings of British experts led the government to nearly cancel Christmas with a new infection control regime for 18 million people in London and parts of England.

With more than 68,000 deaths per crown, the UK is among the worst affected countries in Europe.

This is what the director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency recently said about the coronary vaccine:

(© NTB)


Great summary: these stores have started Christmas sales
