National Institute of Public Health, Coronavirus | FHI fears they may be infected with a new variant even if they have already had the coronavirus


The new and seemingly more contagious variant of the coronavirus can lead to reinfection, even if you’ve already had COVID-19, according to FHI.

12.22.20 19:20

12.22.20 19:35

Here’s what lead researcher Olav Hungnes from the National Institute of Public Health tells NRK.

A change in the molecule means that the antibodies don’t bind as well if antibodies have been produced against the common virus, according to Hungnes.

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– Then you can get it again. This is something to watch out for, says the researcher.

Hungnes says that it is common for the virus to form into new variants, but that this new coronary variant is different from previous mutations seen so far.

– The new mutation is probably already here, but not with a spread that has something to do with it, estimates.

(© NTB)


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