Six infected people are linked to gyms


Whether there is an increased risk of infection when exercising in a gym has been a hot topic after a study led by medical professor Mette Kalager concluded that the answer is no.

Now, tracking infections in Trondheim may indicate something else.

– During the last boom of the infection, we have registered that six people are infected associated with gyms, says the manager of communications Harry Tiller in the municipality of Trondheim to Dagbladet.

These cases of infection have been registered in the last ten days, says Tiller.

– Do not visit gyms

Due to high infection rates in Trondheim, the municipality has issued a warning and a call.

– The city director today encouraged people to train outside and not look for gyms now that infection rates are so high, Tiller tells Dagbladet.

These municipalities will tighten

These municipalities will tighten

At the same time, he emphasizes that it is not true that gyms are one of the main sources of corona infection in Trondheim.

On Tuesday, the municipality sent out a press release, based on the fact that up to 44 new infected people were registered on Monday, a new record in one day.

“Ten of those infected yesterday have a currently unknown source of infection. This means that the vast majority, 34 cases, are close contacts ”, states the press release.

Probable transmission of infection

According to Tiller, it is difficult to determine exactly how the infection occurred, in the six cases in the last ten days associated with gyms.

– It is impossible to say how many people have been infected during training activity, but tracking the infection shows that they have been in a gym, he says.

– So it’s not certain that this is where they got the infection, but could it be there?

– Yes. It is likely that there is a transmission of the infection in relation to the training activity, yes, says Tiller.

- INFECTION EVERYWHERE: - There is infection everywhere, says Harry Tiller, communications manager for Trondheim Township.  Now the municipality encourages people to avoid gyms, shopping centers and restaurants.  Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

– INFECTION EVERYWHERE: – There is infection everywhere, says Harry Tiller, manager of communications in the municipality of Trondheim. Now the municipality encourages people to avoid gyms, shopping centers and restaurants. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB
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Believing there is no danger of infection in gyms is a misunderstanding, believes Tiller.

– There is no reason to believe that. There is infection everywhere, he says.

Get available data

Professor of Medicine Mette Kalager from the University of Oslo led the TRAiN study, which concluded that there is no increased risk of infection when exercising in gyms.

– Impossible to say, he answers when Dagbladet asks if the six cases of infection in Trondheim show that there is still a higher risk of infection in gyms.

- FOLLOW THE INFECTION RULES: - If you don't, it doesn't help where you are, whether you're in the gym or training outside with someone, says Professor Mette Kalager.

– FOLLOW THE INFECTION RULES: – If you don’t, it doesn’t help where you are, whether it’s in the gym or working out with someone, says Professor Mette Kalager.
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She says the data available is from the TRAiN study and figures from Virke that showed only two were infected in gyms with 7.6 million visitors between June 15 and October 13.

– Train better outdoors?

– It’s not the case that being in gyms protects you against infection, says Kalager, adding that of course you can also get infected in a gym if you don’t keep your distance.

Whether it is safer to train outside than inside depends on the circumstances, think.

– The usual infection control rules always apply, and that is to keep your distance, stay home when sick, wash your hands, and isolate yourself when infected. If you don’t, it doesn’t help where you are, whether it’s at the gym or working out with someone, says the teacher.

Enter special rules

Enter special rules

– Avoid those places

Harry Tiller says this is the first time an infection has been recorded in connection with gyms in Trondheim and praises the township centers for being good at following advice and providing good information to clients.

– But with such a high infection pressure in Trondheim, the risk of becoming infected, whether in a gym, a shopping center or in a restaurant, is higher than before. We ask people to be more vigilant and try to avoid those places, and at least keep their distance, he says.

Tiller doesn’t say which gyms the six people have trained in, but he says there are more than one.

– General warning

– Our main goal is not to link this to a specific gym or a specific restaurant, but rather a general warning, Harry Tiller tells Dagbladet

Although a long time has passed between cases of infection in gyms, Dagbladet reported in August that eleven people were infected and several hundred were in quarantine after an outbreak at the CrossFit Old Town gym in Oslo.

- This does not hold

– This does not hold
