Coronavirus, Public Health Agency | Sweden surpasses 8,000 deaths by corona


– Dramatic times require dramatic decisions, says the Swedish Prime Minister about the bills.

With only a few days to go before the start of coronary vaccination, Sweden faces a closed Christmas celebration. The number of deaths per crown has now exceeded 8,000.

The Swedish government warns of urgent treatment of a new pandemic law, but will also have better legal authority for crisis management in the future. Therefore, they established a committee to study constitutional amendments.

The latest coronation figures show 389,439 cases of infection (+22,319), 3815 intensive care patients (+ 102), and 8167 deaths from coronation so far (+ 174).

– See no decline

– We still have a serious situation. Nationally, there is not a decrease, but an increase in infection rates, Karin Tegmark Wisell of the Public Health Authority said at a news conference.

Sweden now has 883 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. In the affected Scania, the number of interiors is greater than 1000.

Will urgently treat pandemilov

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven called a press conference to discuss important new legislative changes the government is now initiating, including a new anti-pandemic law that the Riksdag must urgently deem fair during the New Year.

– These are dramatic times with dramatic decisions, Löfven said about the proposals.

Starting on Christmas Eve, new rules come into force in Sweden, including a ban on visits to nursing homes and a maximum number of four people who can meet in company in restaurants.

The press conference with the Public Health Authority at 2:00 p.m. was attended by department head Karin Tegmark Wisell along with, among others, crisis emergency manager Johanna Sandwall of the National Health and Welfare Council and vaccines coordinator Charlotta Bergqquist at the Medical Products Agency.

30 minutes earlier, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven begins a swiftly convened press conference together with Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren and Interior Minister Mikael Damberg, Aftonbladet reports.

– Dramatic times

Stefan Löfven announced important new legislative changes to deal with the upcoming crises:

– We as authorities must make decisions to save lives and health. These are dramatic times with dramatic decisions. The government appoints a commission in which all parliamentary parties are represented to see room for maneuver in future crises, situations that require the government to have the legal authority to do what is required. The second refers to the care of the elderly. It was not equipped to withstand such a pandemic. The government appointed the Crown Commission, which found that it eventually had insufficient funds. Clearer national governance is required so that everyone has the secure old age they deserve. The government is beginning to work on a new law for the care of the elderly. The care of the elderly must be strengthened more than it was before the crisis.

Will urgently treat new pandemilov.

The Swedish government also proposes a new law against the pandemic and wants it to apply from January.

The Swedish government has laws on war and war danger, but lacks legal authority regarding extraordinary crises in peacetime, said Interior Minister Mikael Damberg on why the government sees these reforms as absolutely necessary. .

– I think this pandemic has shown that similar crises can occur in the future that require quick decisions, Damberg said when asked by the press on Tuesday.

A bill will be presented to the bureau of the Swedish parliament from 4 January. This means that the National Assembly must interrupt the Christmas holidays, which has not happened since the tsunami disaster in 2004, Aftonbladet writes.

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Vaccination begins December 27

Sweden announced early Tuesday that it is ready to begin vaccination this Christmas.

Now that the EU Commission has approved the Pfizer and Biontech vaccine, the vaccine can be distributed in Sweden, and vaccination in Swedish elderly care will begin on December 27, the Swedish government’s website states.

At 11:30, the Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren gave a press conference on the coronary vaccine.

Community vaccine

This is the Cormirnaty vaccine from Pfizer and BioNtech

  • The vaccine was approved by the European Commission on December 21, 2020 (the EMA recommended approval on December 21).
  • The vaccine has received a temporary approval.
  • A global phase 3 study has been conducted with approximately 40,000 people aged 16 years and over.

(Source: Läkemedelsverket, Sweden)

See updated infection figures on the Public Health Agency website here.


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