37-year-old defendant acquitted in serious boat accident – NRK


Two and a half years have passed since Truls Henrik Johansen (23) disappeared at sea.

It was in June 2018 that a 37-year-old man went out in a boat with the 23-year-old. The two ended up in the water at Tindsøya in Vesterålen.

While the 37-year-old returned to the ship, Truls Henrik Johansen was never found.

The prosecution believes that the 37-year-old did not help Johansen. He was charged with this in Vesterålen District Court and denied criminal guilt.

Today the verdict is ready:

The man is acquitted for this, and also for driving a small motorized boat while intoxicated, writes Vesterålen Online.


The man has been charged with various charges. At the Vesterålen District Court, the prosecutor filed a demand for imprisonment for one year and four months.

He pleaded guilty to possession of drugs after the indictment and to having a weapon in a public place.

In the verdict that has been given access to NRK, the man is acquitted of most charges.

But sentenced for violation of articles 231 and 189 of the Penal Code to prison of 60 days. The penalty is considered completed with the permanence in prison for 59 days, it is established in the sentence.

The first deals with the illegal storage of drugs. And the latest on illegal possession of firearms in a public place.

The court rejects requests for reparation for the family. The same applies to the requirements for confiscation of a pistol with ammunition.

Satisfied with the verdict

The defendant has explained himself in court at night. Among other things, he has said that he took alcohol and prescription tablets.

This must have led to a “blackout”. The 37-year-old has also explained that he tried to call for help, but that the mobile phone “turns off.”

Defense attorney John Christian Elden says today that his client is relieved and will not appeal the verdict.

Attorney John Christian Elden

Attorney John Christian Elden.

Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten

– The verdict clearly states that he did what he could to save Truls. That it was an accident for which he could not be held responsible.

– He is sentenced to 60 days in prison for other matters. How do you take it?

– He takes it well. That is what he has admitted to doing, and it has nothing to do with the Truls case itself.

He says he has heard many rumors that have spread in the local community.

– That is why it is so good that the court not only says that there is evidentiary doubt and criminal doubt, but also says that it finds evidence and assumes that it did what it could to save the partner in the situation and that this was an accident.

I’m not sure if the prosecution will appeal

Prosecutor Kay Rønning-Nyvold says he has not been allowed to read the verdict and does not want to comment on it until he has been able to read it.

Therefore, it is not clear whether there will be an appeal.

What do you think of the fact that the accused has been acquitted of the most serious point?

– I cannot comment on that until I have seen how the court has evaluated this.

Police lawyer Kay-Rønning Nyvold in the Midtre Hålogaland police district

Attorney Kay Rønning-Nyvold.

Photo: Stein Inge Pedersen / NRK
