Medicine / Health, Disease | 431 new corona infections in the last 24 hours, 100 more than a week ago


In the last 24 hours, 431 corona infections have been recorded in Norway. That’s 108 more than the day before and 100 more than the same day last week.

A total of 44,336 people infected with corona were registered in this country at midnight on Tuesday, according to preliminary figures from the National Infectious Disease Reporting System (MSIS).

In the last seven days, a total of 3,002 new cases of infection have been registered in Norway. So far, 2.6 million people have been tested for coronavirus in this country.

147 corona patients were hospitalized on Monday. There were nine more than the day before.

A total of 405 people infected with the crown have died in Norway since March, preliminary figures show. It is not always possible to establish whether patients have died from or from COVID-19.

64.2 percent of all deaths have reached the age of 80. In the age group under 50 years, nine deaths have been reported in Norway.

(© NTB)


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