– Incredibly intense – VG


HEAVY: Ronny Stokland struggled fiercely when he had to make a new decision. Photo: TV 2

Ronny Stokland (39) sobs as he gives Karina Dalbak (41) the last hug at “Jakten på kjærligheten” on Monday.

– It’s absolutely horrible to send Karina home. Such a lady. I love her so much, Stokland tells the camera after saying goodbye.

For several weeks now, viewers have been able to follow the mother-of-ten’s efforts to become the Klepp farmer’s choice, but that didn’t happen.

Although Dalbak took the defeat with a grain of salt, it was the farmer himself who seemed to take the parting seriously.

– Never before have I reacted so strongly to something that has to do with rejection. I was probably on my feet for ten minutes before I could say what I was supposed to say, because I was really sorry, he explains to VG.

– If I veterinary I can get irritated easily. Sometimes I drink a little for myself but this it was amazing.

Tears: Ronny Stokland wasn’t prepared for his own reaction. Photo: TV 2

Stokland hiccups when he hugs Dalbak after announcing that Camilla Jensen (30) and Olivia Matningsdal (38) will be allowed to stay on the farm.

He was also very tired at the time.

– There was a lot of focus on the choice, also from the production side. Then, right there, I felt that I didn’t want more and that enough was enough. Everything became so intense.

Stokland admits that he had He pointed out a favorite suitor, but still wasn’t sure of the choice.

– I really liked Karina, and I respect her a lot and what she has achieved. Therefore, it was incredibly painful to ask him to leave.

DISAPPOINTED: Karina Dalbak had to leave. Photo: TV 2

Stokland still felt that there were more feelings of friendship that he had developed for Dalbak.

When the farmer was in the process of joining “The Love Hunt”, the production company asked him how he managed to turn people away.

– I replied that it would not be a problem, but well it was difficult, says the 39-year-old.

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Dalbak, for her part, tells VG that she was prepared for the result.

– I just knew it was my turn. The observation of the others beforehand convinced me if it was about that now.

Although the parting was friendly, it was heavy.

– Of course it was sad and stupid. But I don’t regret being with him. It has been a nice trip with many experiences. I have learned a lot about myself and the most important thing is that you must be yourself and not try to be something that you are not.

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And now that the cat is out of the bag, other possibilities may arise. Dalbak has received many inquiries from viewers, some more tantalizing than others.

– There has been pressure on the phone, yes, he laughs, and says that it has been difficult not being able to give any answer.

– So now I hope I can. There is a special that I would like to have more contact with. Now he’s had to wait a bit, he says secretly.

AFTER: Ronny Stokland with Camilla Jensen and Olivia Matningsdal. Photo: TV 2

After Dalbak is gone, Stokland shoves the last two suitors into each other’s armpits. The three wipe away their tears.

– Damn, for some fucking shit, says the farmer on TV.

Also last week, it became clear that it was turning into drama, and Stokland himself has been dreading watching Monday’s episode.

– What was it like sitting there with two women in your arms like that, after sending Karina home?

– Yes, now you ask well! the farmer smiles – before answering:

– Actually, I don’t really remember what I thought at the time. But I think everyone was a bit puzzled at the moment. Personally, he was happy that the election was over, while the other two were perhaps more relieved. Anyway, I wanted to take care of them a bit.

THREE BECAME TWO: Ronny Stokland surrounded by (left) Karina Dalbak, Camilla Jensen and Olivia Matningsdal. Photo: TV 2

The remaining two suitors were also hit hard by Monday’s broadcast.

– I’m devastated by this. Now I don’t feel joy. We are looking for the same man. Damn it, Jensen said.

Matningsdal, who spoke on VG last week about how heavy it was on the farm, says “I want to scream loud.”

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You are now in the farmer “Jakten”

The last episode of “Jakten på kjærligheten” is still several weeks away at the end of January. Only then will it be clear who has succeeded and who has not.

Stokland finds it difficult to keep the secret for so long.

– It will be a great challenge. Making it clear.

Steinkjer farmer Andreas Lillevestre (24) also had to send a suitor home on Monday. Hanna Larsen (23) shed some tears when she realized it was her.

– There is no one who likes to be rejected. But it’s a part of life so of course you just have to deal with it, Larsen told the camera after the loss.

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