Fear of British variant of virus hits Wall Street – E24


The closure of Europe’s borders in the face of the new virus threat from the United Kingdom also affected US equity markets. But the congressional crisis package slowed the recession.

Even with the decorations and a Christmas tree in place, Monday started in a bad mood on Wall Street.



The big Wall Street indices glowed red from the start of Monday after a miserable start to the week of the stock market in Europe, and the mood has never been so bleak across the Atlantic.

At the closing time at 10 p.m., the development was as follows:

  • The Dow Jones rose 0.12 percent
  • The S&P 500 fell 0.39 percent
  • Nasdaq down 0.10 percent

The mutated corona virus in the UK has led to border closures, flight cancellations, and affected stock markets and oil prices.

Several countries closed

In Oslo, the main index was down more than 2.3 percent at Monday’s closing time, while the Frankfurt and Paris stock exchanges fell further.

Fears of the virus outbreak also hit Wall Street, after even more European countries, including Norway, closed their borders on Monday to entry from countries with proven cases of the mutated virus variant, called N501Y.

In addition to the UK, the crown variant has now been tested in Denmark, Iceland, Australia, Italy and the Netherlands, according to NTB.

According to the British authorities, it is probably 70 percent more contagious, but not more deadly. The WHO has called on Europe to step up its measures.

Tesla uphill

In the United States, Congress has approved a $ 900 billion crisis package that appeared to counteract conditions in the European stock market. Other bright spots have also contributed:

Bank stocks tumbled when the United States Federal Reserve (Fed) announced that companies can resume share buybacks after the New Year, writes CNBC.

The Corona recession was also tempered by the fact that the Pfizer vaccine was finally formally approved in the EU and Norway on Monday night.

Just before closing time, several US media reported at the same time that incoming President Joe Biden has been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Tesla debuted on the S&P 500 on Tuesday with a drop of more than six percent. The share of electric cars has risen sharply in the months prior to listing on the stock index.

On the winning side, we find Nike, which is up 4.92 percent after the company announced 80 percent growth in online sales in its latest quarter.

also read

Sharp Stock Market Fall After New Virus Concern

