How much is good – VG


  • One in four Norwegians have experienced unpleasant episodes of alcoholism around children at Christmas. This stems from a survey conducted in Fall 2020 by Respons Analyze on behalf of Av-og-til and Vinmonopolet.

  • Do you have to have a drinking problem to be the one too drunk for Christmas?

    – No, there is a challenge, because that is not the case. We know that children react to things that we adults do not react to, and that happiness per thousand for you is experienced completely differently for children, responds Av-og-til General Secretary Randi Hagen Eriksrud .

  • – Our tolerance to alcohol works in such a way that it increases when you drink a lot and weakens when you drink less. If you’ve had less this year, you’ll get drunk faster, explains FHI Principal Investigator Geir Brunborg.

– The norm of alcohol consumption in Norwegian society is very strong, says Av-og-til General Secretary Randi Hagen Eriksrud.

– Adults are expected to drink in different settings, either directly when ordering a beer or similar, or indirectly through wine glasses placed by the place on the table.

Journalist Maren Olava asks if she could be the one who gets too drunk on Christmas Eve. Photo: Screenshot / VG

– What I wonder is if it is possible that I am the aunt who is uncomfortably drunk.

– Yes, it is absolutely possible. It is correct to ask yourself if you drink too much. Alcohol depends a lot on the form of the day, the environment you are in, and the like. Perhaps everyone who has drunk alcohol recognizes himself in it, so he should have thought in advance how much alcohol he should drink, because once we have had a glass, it is easy to get carried away.

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– Did I really think that those who get too drunk for Christmas and such have a problem with alcohol?

– No, there is a challenge, because that is not the case. We know that children react to things that adults do not react to, and that happiness per thousand for you is experienced completely differently for children. Children prefer adults who behave as they usually do. You don’t have to have a problem with alcohol to be louder and laugh more after a few devices, and even these small changes can be uncomfortable for kids.

Av-og-til’s general secretary answers journalist Maren Olava’s questions about alcohol at Christmas. Photo: occasional / private

– How many units are okay then?

– It will vary from person to person, but what we do know is that children notice that you have drunk very quickly. When we ask kids, most say 0-2 glasses is fine, but no more.

Eriksrud adds that it is also important to think that you are a role model for the younger ones around the table. When you turn 18 and 20, and you go from the “children’s table” to the “adult table”, the role you have towards children is also redefined.

– You can become the uncomfortable drunk aunt of that child, because you underestimate your new role. If from the first moment as an adult you choose alcohol instead of, for example, Christmas soda, you send clear signals to children.

Did you see this? Youtuber Jennie Sofie is tired of drinking pressure:

– But can’t it be good to show a healthy relationship with alcohol even then?

– For some, it is correct to show that you can have a good relationship with alcohol and that you can enjoy alcohol without getting into trouble. For others, it is important not to drink with children.

– It varies from one adult to another, but also from one child to another. If children have previously been in situations that were made difficult by alcohol, one should think about it and perhaps avoid alcohol altogether. Also, it is important to note that children can be vulnerable for other reasons. This year, for example, stresses from the coronavirus or other mental factors may affect the way children experience intoxicated family members, Eriksrud concludes.

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How much alcohol influencers share was examined

Known influencers such as Tone Damli and Caroline Berg Eriksen have been repeatedly criticized for exposing alcohol on their channels, says the Actis organization.

They have carried out an analysis of alcohol on social networks among 20 of the country’s influencers, who add up to a total of 5.9 million followers. The analysis was conducted by the Retriever media monitoring agency.

The bottom line is that they publish a significant proportion of content where alcohol is exposed and put in a positive context.

VG has failed to get a comment from Damli or Eriksen. Tone Damli manager David Eriksen has previously responded to the following Dagbladet:
– (…) I want to point out that Tone is 31 years old, and his main target group on Instagram is between 18-44 years old. I mean, he doesn’t seem like a bad role model, but he’s a normal person his age. Tone does his best to take care of his followers and pays attention.

Pernille Huseby, Actis Secretary General, responds to alcohol exposure. Photo: Lene Neverdal / Actis

Almost four thousand registrations a year

The main findings of the analysis show that the influencers who were controlled published 329 records exposed to alcohol. That is, 11 alcohol records per day and 82 records per week, which will add up to 3,948 records per year.

Furthermore, the analysis yielded these findings:

  • 670 posts saved in Instagram highlights expose alcohol.
  • 8% of published records expose to alcohol.
  • 9% of alcoholic items show logos and brands.
  • All records expose alcohol in a positive context, be it fun, fancy, or party.

– Bloggers have their own “common sense poster,” an internal guide to posting. We believe alcohol should be on the list, says Actis General Secretary Pernille Huseby.

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Experience high exposure to alcohol

In relation to the analysis, Retriever asked young people (16-25 years) about the experience of alcohol in social networks. This shows that 35% do not like being exposed to alcohol and that 28% experience being exposed to alcohol to a great or very great extent.

Earlier this fall, Norstat conducted a poll for NRK. It showed that one in ten young people have thought they drink too often, while a third think they have a friend who drinks too often.
