The 13-year-old boy who was beaten in Oslo on Thursday night died on Friday. Driver charged with negligent homicide.


The 13-year-old pedestrian who was hit at Haugenstua in Oslo on Thursday night, died in Ullevål hospital on Friday afternoon.

Police on-site on Maria Dehli road after a collision Thursday night that killed a 13-year-old boy in Ullevål hospital on Friday. Photo: Hans O. Torgersen

The man who was arrested on Friday night on suspicion of driving on a 13-year-old boy at Haugenstua in Oslo on Thursday is charged with negligent manslaughter. He is also charged with fleeing after the collision.

– The man is accused of negligent manslaughter, in addition to driving under the influence of drugs, Rune Skjold, section chief in the Oslo police district, tells TV 2.

The man in his 30s was previously charged with violating section 31 of the Road Traffic Act, see section 12. Section 12 states that anyone involved in a traffic accident is required to stop.

– How did you find out that the defendant was driving the car?

– It was good police work all afternoon and night, says Skjold to Aftenposten.

First, a police patrol found the car and then a further investigation led to the defendant being arrested at 01:00 on Friday night.

– Random victim

The boy was hit by a dark Mitsubishi pickup on the Maria Dehli road, near Grorud station, around 7 p.m. on Thursday. He died in Ullevål hospital on Friday afternoon.

– There is nothing to indicate that this is something that was done on purpose, and it appears that the child is a random victim, says Skjold.

The driver’s advocate, attorney Harald Fjeldstad, tells NTB that the man admits that he has driven the boy, but has yet to admit his criminal guilt.

The man will be released into custody on Saturday.

– I have not received the request yet, but I understand that it is a matter of recurrence. I wonder about that, but I have to look at the petition, he says.

Skjold tells Aftenposten that police believe there is a danger of his reappearance because the man is being investigated for various prior issues related to intoxication and trafficking.

– These are relatively recent cases, says Skjold.

– When were you last arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol?

– It was a few weeks ago.
