Child (13) died after collision in Oslo – VG


SERIOUS: Police at the scene of the accident after the collision Thursday night. Photo: Helge Mikalsen

A man in his 30s admitted to police questioning that he ran over a child (13) in Oslo. The 13-year-old is now dead, while the driver is charged with negligent manslaughter and driving under the influence.


It appears in a press release from the Oslo police district on Friday night.

– The driver admitted to having been at the scene in a car and that he met the boy while driving, says leader Rune Skjold for the Finance investigation and the investigation of specialized letters in the Oslo police district to VG.

It was on Thursday night that the police were notified that the 13-year-old boy had been hit by a car at Haugenstua in Oslo. The driver fled the scene of the accident and has also faced it in a police questioning on Friday.

– I do not want to comment on what the defendant has explained about this, says Skjold.

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Suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs.

The driver in his 30s is currently charged in accordance with the Road Traffic Act § 31, cf. §12, for not having complied with the obligation to stop immediately after being involved in a traffic accident and to help injured people.

Police announced an extension of the charge late Friday, in part due to the death of the 13-year-old boy. Skjold later confirmed to TV2 that the charge also applies to negligent homicide.

Police also suspect the driver was drunk when the fatal accident occurred.

– There is a suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs, and you are also charged with driving under the influence of drugs in connection with this incident. I don’t want to comment on details beyond that we are looking into this, says Skjold.

To Dagbladet, Skjold tells him that the defendant is also under investigation for a previous matter involving driving under the influence.

– This is a case from early December where you are charged with driving under the influence in Oslo, Skjold tells VG.

The driver in his 30s will be presented for custody at the Oslo District Court on Saturday. The police have not yet decided on the duration of custody or any restrictions, but will, among other things, justify imprisonment with the risk of recidivism and loss of evidence.

The police state in the press release that relatives have been notified that the boy died in Ullevål hospital at 15.10 on Friday. As of yet, no family assistance attorney has been appointed.
