Ask travelers to address: – Quarantine risks after the Christmas trip home


The Norwegian Institute of Public Health considers it close contact if you have been within two meters of a person with a proven corona infection for more than 15 minutes.

Both in airplanes and in buses and trains, an attempt has been made to have at least one meter of distance with other travelers. But it also means that you risk being quarantined if the passenger near you turns out to be ill.

- can be shocking

– can be shocking

Busy days

On Friday, thousands of people start the trip home for Christmas.

At Norway’s main airport, Oslo’s Gardermoen Airport, around 20,000 passengers are expected on Friday, December 18 of this day. By comparison, nearly 100,000 passengers traveled on the same day last year.

On trains and buses, most of the passengers are on December 22 and 23, Vy informs Dagbladet.

– Even if the risk is considered relatively low, you run the risk of being quarantined, in the same way as if you were exposed to an infection in other contexts, says Chief Physician Trude Margrete Arnesen of the department of infection control and vaccines of the NIPH.

Therefore, it emphasizes how important it is for everyone to follow the advice given.

– Travelers should not travel if they feel sick. They should try to stay away from other travelers and, if this is not possible, wear a face mask.

It also encourages special care with hand hygiene.

Still available, but fast!

Still available, but fast!

These are considered close contacts:

  • Passengers in planes who sat two seats away in all directions from the sick.
  • Cabin crew operating the section of the aircraft where the patient was sitting.
  • If the patient is one of the cabin crew members, all passengers in the section staffed by staff should be followed as close contacts. In such cases, the rest of the cabin crew should also be followed up.
  • On buses and trains, the usual way of defining close contact applies: more than 15 minutes, less than two meters.
  • On trips with seat reservation, local health authorities communicate directly with passengers who have been seated near a person with a confirmed infection. These passengers are informed about the additional monitoring in relation to the detection of infections.
  • Everyone who has been on board the specific voyages is encouraged to be aware of their own health and to contact the health service if they experience symptoms of a respiratory infection. As long as you have no symptoms, quarantine is not necessary.

Little infection

Overall, there has been little infection on public transportation during the pandemic, says Arnesen.

– The total number of passengers with confirmed covid-19 who have been reported infected in public transport has had a downward trend in recent weeks.

MORE INFECTION FLIGHTS: According to FHI, only 46 aircraft were registered in December to or within Norway.  However, the risk of infection is considered to be relatively low.  Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB

MORE INFECTION FLIES: According to FHI, only in December 46 aircraft were infected to or from Norway. However, the risk of infection is considered relatively low. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB
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This is probably related to the improvement in the infection situation as a result of the strict infection control measures that have been introduced in much of the country, believes the superior.

Therefore, the risk of infection is considered to be relatively small.

According to FHI’s summary of aircraft infections, 46 infections were recorded in December. This includes both aircraft arriving in Norway from abroad as well as domestic routes.

In the case of trains, the number is five, while seven have been registered as infected in seven bus trips.

Preliminary summaries made of the number of close contacts likely to have been infected during the trip show that a relatively small proportion are infected during the trip, approximately 4%.

VACCINATION: According to NRK, the first corona vaccine can be accepted for use in the EU and Norway a week earlier than planned. Thus, the first vaccination can be carried out already on Christmas Eve. Photo: AP / NTB
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– The calculations are made on the basis of data collected from longer trips, that is, flights and other public transport that passes through several municipalities and where the exhibition has lasted more than 1 hour.

– It is also important to note that approximately half of these were in the same environment and approximately half came from countries with a lot of spread, so the proportion of infected in the means of transport itself is probably even lower.

Therefore, it must be reserved that there are no summaries of the number of positive cases in shorter trips and the number of close contacts, especially when the trip takes place within a municipality, emphasizes Arnesen.
