– Shows contempt for his own party – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


– Geir Ugland Jacobsen has become a scapegoat for the negligence of the management and the central board, writes leader Arne Østreng at Nordre Aker Frp in a message to NRK.

He describes the central government’s decision as cowardly.

News came on Tuesday that former county leader Geir Ugland Jacobsen in Oslo Frp has been excluded from the party. At the same time, Oslo Frp was placed under administration. It happened after a long period of conflict within the party.

The decision of the central table provoked strong reactions both locally and nationally. Nordre Aker Frp leader says the decision has led to resignations from Frp.

Extremely hard seating with the center board

– It has already had consequences. We know there have been a lot of announcements already, and more will likely follow, Østreng tells NRK.

– How do you rate yourself what you are going to do at and for the party?

– At the moment I am in the think tank, so I still cannot say anything else. But I know that others think of other parties. There are many bourgeois parties that, like the FRP, now safeguard interests that we believe are important to Norway, Østreng says.

He works hard on the report, where he describes the FRP central board as dictatorial.

– That the democratically elected FRP representatives in Oslo FRP with their leader, who is responsible for the necessary social changes expected through a real FRP policy, is now abolished by a dictatorial central government, shows a contempt for their own party and democratic principles, writes Østreng.

– Completely incomprehensible

He says support for the party has fallen over the past year, and that the leadership and the board should have taken it sooner.

– In light of the above, it seems pathetic that the party leadership and central board have recently excluded the leader of the Oslo FRP, Geir Ugland Jacobsen. It also seems completely incomprehensible that the entire Oslo County team is under administration, Østreng writes.

He informs NRK that there are several at Nordre Aker Frp, to which Geir Ugland Jacobsen previously belonged, who support his message.

Østreng also says that he has received statements of support from local teams both in Oslo and in the rest of the country.

– It is rather the management and the central board who should have made their seats available for not having done anything about the unfortunate development long before, writes Østreng.

To Listhaug

Østreng also points to deputy leader Sylvi Listhaug in Frp, who in the Political Quarter on Wednesday issued a warning to anyone who wanted to lead the party in a national conservative direction:

– Sylvi Listhaug’s comments on the concept of “national conservative” nationalism in this case are completely inappropriate and nonsensical, and should only be seen as an attempt to deflect responsibility from the leadership of the party and central government.

FRP presents report on immigration and integration.

Deputy Leader Sylvi Listhaug in Frp.

Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

Through Sylvi Listhaug’s press contact, NRK has spread the accusations to Østreng.

A little later in the evening, NRK receives an email from the communications manager Kjetil Løset in Frp, who writes that no one at the party leadership will comment on this.

– By the way, this is a cheap government technique that she herself has been exposed to before. She is hypocritical and very disappointing, and she lets the many who have supported her fall on her back through thick and thin, Østreng writes.
