Märtha Louise: – I was basically a problem since I was born – VG


TALKING: Märtha Louise talks about being overlooked in the succession. Photo: Fredrik Hagen

Princess Märtha Louise opens up about her relationship with the Norwegian royal family in an interview with Insider.


It says here that the answer when she was born, and it became known that she was a girl, was “oh my God, it’s a girl, what do we do?”

– I was basically a problem since I was born, something of which I was not aware, he tells Insider.

When he was born, on September 22, 1971, women could not assume the position of monarch in Norway. They can do it today, after a constitutional amendment in 1990 that made the sexes equal. Thus, it was the younger brother, Crown Prince Haakon, who was the next person in succession.

I asked what he wanted

In addition, she says that she still did not feel left out because she was a girl, since her parents always wanted a girl.

– I was happy when I grew up. She wasn’t jealous at all, she says later in the interview.

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Princess Märtha and Durek Verrett talk about Ari Behn in a podcast: – Trying to get back on our feet

When Marthä Louise was 15 years old, Gro Harlem Brundtland was Prime Minister of Norway.

– Suddenly the idea occurred to him if this was wrong, says Märtha Louise and points out that it was her brother, Crown Prince Haakon, who would one day assume the position of monarch.

“Great pressure”

During a session at the Palace, she is said to have been asked in a discussion about the succession what she herself wanted.

According to the princess, she was too young to make that decision, and today she is happy about it. She says that it is “a great pressure” to be second in succession, and that Crown Prince Haakon “does a fantastic job”.

This fall it also emerged that the mother, Queen Sonja, found it difficult to enter the royal house. In Harald Stanghelle’s new book on King Harald, Queen Sonja says “those years weren’t easy” about the nine years that passed before their engagement was announced.

Read the full story on the loving fight of King Harald and Queen Sonja

Today, Märtha Louise is number four in the succession, behind Crown Prince Haakon, Princess Ingrid Alexandra and Prince Sverre Magnus. After Märtha come the children she has with the late Ari Behn.
