– If we had stayed behind, we would have completed the job – VG


OPPONENT: Th Vladimir Putin during Thursday’s press conference. TV Alexei Navalny during an interview with blogger Yuri Dud in October. Photo: NTB

Vladimir Putin (68) rejects the accusations that he was behind the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny (44) as western propaganda.

– If we had been behind, we would have completed that job, says Russia’s president at his annual press conference on Thursday.

In other words, if the Kremlin had been behind this, Navalny would have died today. After a long stay in the hospital, where she was first in a coma, she is in good shape today.

It was on August 20 when the well-known opposition politician fell ill on a plane from Siberia to Moscow. Finally, he came for treatment in a Berlin hospital. Western experts from several countries have claimed that Navalny was poisoned.

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Confirms neurotoxin findings in Navalny’s body: – Serious concern

This week a major multi-media investigation was released. It displayed the names and photographs of eight Russian FSB intelligence agents who, according to the media, have been following Alexei Navalny for years.

Navalny himself said earlier this week that he was sure Putin had ordered the poisoning.

“The patient in Berlin”

After being silent on the Navalny case for a long time, Putin responded to the accusations on Thursday. Like his spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who never puts Navalny’s name on his lips, Putin also consistently refers to his opponent as “the Berlin patient.”

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Russian espionage chief: – There was no poison in his body when Navalny was in Russia

Putin also says Navalny “is not important enough” to be a Kremlin target. The president also passed the suspicion on to Western intelligence.

– We know what this is. Legalization of special services material from the United States. FSB agents know they are being monitored, Vladimir Putin says according to various outlets, including the Tass news agency.

He believes that there is a Western information war and that the “revelations” in the Western media have in fact been carried out by Western intelligence and that the aim is to discredit Putin himself.

– We have seen it before, says the president, and emphasized that it was he who gave permission for Alexei Navalny to fly out of Russia and be treated in a German hospital.

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Navalny in a great interview: – They were waiting for me to die or become a vegetable. Or at least that the clues should disappear.

It was Bellingcat, The Insider, CNN and Der Spiegel who earlier this week unveiled the eight FSB agents. They also claimed that Navalny was poisoned with knowledge of the highest level in Moscow, including Vladimir Putin himself. At the press conference, Putin replied that it was “made up news.”

“Money laundering”

– This is not an investigation. It is money laundering of American special services material.

According to the media, the FSB – successor to the KGB – has followed Navalny on his tours of Russia since 2017, and that they were people who had “special training in chemical weapons, chemistry and medicine” and “were close” to the leader. of the opposition in the days and hours. around the poisoning.

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Navalny on Instagram: – I never thought I would be discharged from the hospital

Navalny was hospitalized in Berlin for a month and is now in a secret location in Germany. But he has repeatedly stated that he intends to return to Russia. The opposition leader has been arrested countless times, but has returned and continues his fight, which is mainly about exposing corruption among politicians and bureaucrats.


Western experts claim that he was poisoned with Novitsjok, a series of neurotoxins developed in Soviet times. Russian doctors and intelligence, for their part, say they have found no trace in the samples they took from the opposition leader before Navalny was transferred on a special Norwegian-made stretcher to Germany. Alexei Navalny himself has claimed that the Russian authorities detained him for a few days in the hope that all traces of the poisoning would disappear.

Putin’s press conference typically lasts four to five hours, and press chief Dmitry Peskov has warned that it could be even longer this year because it is a digital press conference.

PS: Vladimir Putin also says that he has not yet decided that he will run as a candidate in the next presidential elections, in 2024. Putin was president for two terms from 2000 to 2008 and then two more terms from 2012 to 2024. Changes in the constitution gave him allows you to apply as a candidate also in 2024 and 2030, if you wish.
