McConnell cautions against supporting Trump’s attempt to overthrow elections


After McConnell finally congratulated Joe Biden on the victory, the day after the Electoral College held its vote and six weeks after the election, he now thinks it’s time to move on.

The Electoral College confirmed Monday that Biden won the election with 306 delegates to Trump’s 232.

But there is still one formality, namely that Congress will officially recount the electorate’s votes on January 6.

It will be the last chance for the rebellious Republicans to put bum in the wheel for Biden to be installed as president on January 20.

It can damage elections in Georgia

McConnell fears greater control over the presidential election that could damage Georgia’s important election campaign.

Two Republican senators are in danger of losing reelection, with the result that Republicans lose control of the Senate and McConnell lose his powerful position as Majority Leader.

In both public statements and private warnings, McConnell made clear Tuesday that the Biden era is approaching and that the party must meet before the Georgia election.

At first he praised Trump for the four years he has been president, but then he was quick to warn his colleagues not to question the outcome of the electoral college on January 6.

Protest alerts

A member of the House of Representatives, Mo Brooks of Alabama, announced that he will file a formal protest against the Electoral College census. He is one of Trump’s main supporters and insists the election was stolen by Democrats.

If he gets a senator, the count must be stopped and the two houses must meet separately to discuss the protest.

There is no chance that the protest will be accepted, as the Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives and a majority in both houses is needed to accept the protest.

Force elections

But it would force Republican senators to make an open choice between supporting Trump’s claims of an illegal election and coming to terms with him supporting McConnell’s efforts to preserve the Senate’s credibility and normalize the situation going forward when it is clear that Biden will become president.

Such a fight during the archaic and very traditional meeting of Congress on January 6 would spell a “terrible” choice for Republicans, McConnell believes.

The background to Brooks’ possible protest is that one of the members of the Georgia Electoral College, Nikema Williams, was elected a new member of the House of Representatives on November 3.

No member of the college can be a member of Congress, but she is on solid ground, as she will not be until the new Congress is convened on January 5. No one protested when the same situation occurred in 2012.

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