Artist Pøbel fooled Helse Vest with a hidden message on a Christmas card – NRK Rogaland – Local News, TV and Radio


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– I felt that I had to make the Christmas card more meaningful. Don’t just say thank you, says the anonymous artist Pøbel.

Mob is known for his critical Trump stunts and crown art in his hometown Bryne.

Now he’s gone behind the back of the client Helse Vest to support hospital employees in his own way.

30,000 Christmas cards

The Christmas card is delivered to 30,000 employees these days. They work in Bergen, Stavanger, Haugesund and Førde hospitals.

Pøbel’s motive is a hospital employee in full protective gear who is hugged by a patient with a bandage that says “THANK YOU”.

On the card, Helse Vest writes, among other things, that “The pandemic demands a lot from each person who works for the health service.” In addition, he says that the motive is “a greeting and a symbol that we are together, even at this time.”

Below the text, a QR code of Pøbel has been printed. It would become a kind of “Trojan horse”. Then a hoax.

Mob hack for Helse Vest

HIDDEN MESSAGE: On the Christmas card, the address of Helse Vest comes with a greeting to the employees, and below is Pøbel’s QR code, which leads to a video.

Photo: Anna Sørmarken Vestly / NRK

Revealed on Instagram

Until now, anyone who scans the code with their mobile phone has come to the artist’s website. But there was no video.

Thus, Pøbel was able to plan his push to Norwegian health policy in peace and quiet, without the client’s interference.

The reveal was posted on Pøbel’s Instagram account Wednesday night.

Then he changed the QR code, so that it leads to a recent video. He pays tribute to the employees, but also mentions what Pøbel believes to be an understaffed, bureaucratic, and overly financially controlled healthcare system.

– I could not adequately thank without pointing out that I think it is completely wrong that many health workers have poor conditions. After all, they are the pillar of the welfare society, Pøbel tells NRK.

In the video, actor Per Kjerstad presents the message on Pøbel’s behalf.

THE VIDEO: Actor Per Kjerstad presents Pøbel’s message in the video to hospital employees.

Economic virus

In the video, Pøbel refers to acquaintances and shop stewards in hospitals who have been talking about congestion and understaffing for a long time. Also before the pandemic.

In the video, he says, among other things:

“I was outraged for you who are literally on the front lines on behalf of society. You have a huge responsibility and you put yourself at a higher risk of infection than many other occupational groups.”

NRK has been in contact with Helse Vest. They have not yet properly sat down on the case, but do make a preliminary comment.

– We have commissioned Pøbel to thank and design the motif for our Christmas card. So the opinions Pøbel has should be on his own, says Helse Vest communications director Bente Aae.

Bente Aae, communications director for Helse Vest.

Helse Vest Communications Director, Bente Aae.

Photo: Health West

He further claims that they have paid Pøbel 140,000 crowns for the assignment.

Pøbel expands his message in an email to NRK.

– We have two viruses rampaging now. One is the coronavirus, and the other is called New Public Management (reform with streamlining in the public sector, editor’s note). This virus always looks for cost cuts in the bottom line. Reliance on assessment and common sense from healthcare professionals has been replaced by reporting and goal management.

He wants politicians to assess the many reforms that have taken place in the health system.

– Many health workers, and perhaps also patients, suffer unnecessarily a lot. We, as a population, should demand more from our elected representatives that we want a health system that considers patients as an investment, not an expense.

Mob reveals hidden message on Instagram

On his Instagram account, Pøbel showed how the content of the QR code has changed.

I think they understand

Mob doesn’t think it’s ethically questionable to go behind Helse Vest’s back.

He hopes they are deeply grateful that he puts the spotlight on this.

– The company management itself must have challenging work days when it witnesses that employees and colleagues have a very high workload, and in the end they can burn out and report sick. They are also part of a system that is being pushed from many angles.

The artist has been in dialogue with Helse Vest about how to make hospital wall art. Now he is excited to see if they will continue to cooperate.

– Of course I can lose potential assignments, but in that case I will respect and accept. There will always be unforeseen consequences with everything I do. I’m just an artist and I do what I can to inspire something good.

Helse Vest will not yet comment on whether this will have implications for the collaboration.
