Non-smoking areas: forget the smoke in Stavanger


Most parties in Stavanger want non-smoking outdoor areas.

This means that everything from bus stops to sports facilities to restroom areas and recreation areas will be smoke-free in Stavanger.

The decision is supported by the Labor Party, the Popular Action No more tolls, the Green Party, the Red Party, the Center Party and the Socialist People’s Party.

It will reduce smoking

Sølvi Ona Gjul, chair of the Health and Wellness Committee in Stavanger, tells NRK that the decision was made primarily to reduce exposure to hazardous smoke.

– Tobacco is the single most important cause of cancer in Norway, and we must do everything possible to reduce smoking, both actively and passively, he says.

This is not a ban, but an initiative to motivate people to change their behavior.

Ask FHI to turn to smokers

Ask FHI to turn to smokers

The Norwegian Cancer Society rejoices with the decision, which is the first of its kind in Norway.

I hope they follow more

– This is historical. The non-smoking outdoor areas will make Stavanger a better and more pleasant municipality, especially for children and young people and other vulnerable groups. The Cancer Society works for a tobacco-free society, and this decision is an important step on the way there, says Camilla Gram, district manager for the Rogaland Cancer Society in a press release.

According to the Norwegian Cancer Society, nearly 6,000 people die each year from tobacco-related diseases. And more people die from tobacco each week than from traffic in an entire year.

Now the Cancer Society hopes Stavanger will lead by example.

– The decision made in Stavanger is expected to lead to fewer young people starting to smoke. At the same time, fewer people will be exposed to passive smoking. This is important, especially for vulnerable groups. At the same time, Stavanger is now helping establish smoke-free areas as a social norm, in a preventative perspective, says Gram.
