Injured man discovered in Brumunddal – NRK Innlandet – Local News, TV and Radio


Police are now investigating a violent incident in Brumunddal today, where a man in his fifties was found injured.

The man was found outside by a passerby, who called an ambulance.

The wounded man was taken to Hamar hospital with unknown damage. Lives in Brumunddal.

There is a suspect in the case, who has been reported to the police. The police must have control over this person.

Great resources on site

Police claim they have great resources on site.

– There is a tactical and technical investigation. We have a suspect in custody, and he reported himself. It has been explained and placed in the incident, says operations manager Bård Einar Hoft in the Innlandet police district.

Forensic scientists are also conducting investigations on the ground, he says.

Police will not comment on whether there were witnesses to the incident itself. However, they claim to have an overview of various witnesses who will be questioned.

– We do not rule out that there has been more on this, so we are investigating based on this scenario, says the operations manager.

The extent of the damage to the 50-year-old man is currently unclear. Hoft calls the incident of violence “very serious.”
