Fewer people receive housing benefits – the government is accused of bragging –


– In the series of antisocial cuts, this is one of the most serious, Andersen tells Dagbladet. Hedmarkingen has been behind him for more than 23 years as a parliamentary representative.

RESPOND: Profile of SV Karin Andersen is concerned about the development of support for housing.  Photograph: Torbjørn Grønning / Dagbladet

ANSWER BACK: Profile of SV Karin Andersen is concerned about the development of housing benefits. Photograph: Torbjørn Grønning / Dagbladet
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– Living expenses are what break people’s personal finances, whether they rent or own. Support for housing has gotten much worse under this government, although it pretends otherwise, it continues.

The Housing Benefit is a means-tested state support plan for people with low incomes and high housing costs. In 2011, 155,410 received housing benefits. By 2020, it will be 121,782.

- I'm sorry for everything I have exposed to my children.

– I’m sorry for everything I have exposed to my children.

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– Despite the fact that we have become approximately half a million more inhabitants, there are more than 30,000 fewer who receive the housing benefit in 2020 than in 2011. We spend less on “pure crowns” now than in 2011. The housing benefit must increase dramatically and the disabled should Get housing benefit as before, says SV representative.

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I am selling a chalet for 85 million: – Surprised

Andersen admits that housing benefits “increase slightly in crowns” but contends that housing expenses in the same period have risen significantly more.

Right now, the average housing cost per month has increased by NOK 1,733 and income has decreased by NOK 487, while the housing benefit has only increased by an average of NOK 586. For an average recipient of a housing benefit , the sum is NOK 1,634 minus, he says.

SV Profile Accuses Government of Housing Benefits Scam.

– You are completely wrong when the government tries to present this as an improvement. And the really bad thing is that those who now receive the housing benefit have lower incomes now than in 2013, he says.

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Sale of the magnificent property of the shipowner: – Completely unique

Astrup: Reinforced Housing Benefit

Dagbladet has presented Andersen’s statements to Local Government Minister Nikolai Astrup (H), who maintains that the housing benefit plan is better than it was.

EVALUATE: The government will evaluate the entire housing benefit plan, says Local Government Minister Nikolai Astrup (H).  Photo: Lars E claim Bones / Dagbladet

EVALUATE: The government will evaluate the entire housing benefit plan, says Local Government Minister Nikolai Astrup (H). Photo: Lars E claim Bones / Dagbladet
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– The government has strengthened and improved support for housing in recent years. Since 2013, more than NOK 22 billion have been issued, and next year we will further strengthen the plan by more than NOK 80 million, says Astrup.

He says the housing subsidy now also “keeps pace” with rising prices, something it didn’t do when the Red Greens ruled.

– We have increased the ceiling on how large housing expenses can be covered and we have better adapted the housing allowance to the applicants’ actual financial situation, he says.

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Warns: historically high level

Scheme review

Astrup admits that fewer people are receiving housing benefits now than eight or ten years ago.

– This is partly due to the fact that fewer people have needed and requested the housing benefit, which is a positive development, says the Minister of Local Government.

EASY MONEY: Nicolai Tangen did not have to work more than ten days to earn money for the luxury cabin in Blindleia. Reporter: Mina Janssen / Video: Lars E claim Bones / Dagbladet
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He says it has been a long time since the scheme was evaluated.

– That is why we are now creating a group of experts who will review the whole scheme and propose improvements, says Astrup.

He adds that next year the government will change the regulations so that children with shared residence can be included in the applications for housing benefits of both parents.

– It will improve the living situation of 400 homes, says the conservative minister.
