Losing battle to Trump, Biden confirmed as election winner


Despite Joe Biden receiving more than 7 million more votes than Donald Trump in the November 3 presidential election and securing 306 electoral delegates to Trump’s 232, Republicans have refused to concede defeat.

Through hundreds of state-by-state trials, Trump supporters have tried to persuade the courts that there were widespread irregularities during the election, but without winning.

The latest attempt came from Texas, which asked the US Supreme Court to declare invalid the results of the elections in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Biden won in all four states, securing 62 electoral delegates. They should not be allowed to participate when the next president of the United States is appointed, the plaintiffs believed.


Sixteen other Republican-run states and more than 100 Republicans in Congress supported the lawsuit, but it was rejected on Friday. This happened despite the fact that six of the nine Justices on the Supreme Court are now conservatives.

Even United States Attorney General William Barr, considered one of Trump’s loyal allies, denies that evidence of voter fraud or errors has been found that may have changed the outcome of the election.

To date, we have not seen cheating to an extent that could have yielded a different outcome to the elections, he stated earlier this month.

According to Barr, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has investigated several allegations of wrongdoing, but found no evidence of Trump’s massive fraud allegations.


If Texas had won its case, and the Supreme Court had allegedly declared the votes of more than 20 million voters invalid, it would have been unparalleled in American history.

– It is bad for us as a country when 17 states can support this shameful anti-American demand. tweeted University of California law professor Rick Hasen in a comment.

The US Supreme Court also previously rejected Republicans’ attempt to change the outcome of the Pennsylvania election, where Biden was declared the winner after receiving just over 80,000 more votes than Trump.

Risks fines

On Monday, therefore, announces a clear majority of the 538 electoral delegates Joe Biden who wins the presidential election and forces Trump to realize, if not acknowledge, defeat.

Electoral delegates should in principle vote for the candidate who received the most support in the state they represent, and in several states there are often fines if they do not.

In theory, state authorities can review the election result and appoint voters themselves. However, several Republican-led states have made it clear that this is completely out of the question, even though pressure from Trump and his supporters has been high.

If one or more states do this anyway and secure Trump four more years in power, he will most likely end up on the Supreme Court table.


From time to time, electoral delegates break down and refuse to vote according to the outcome of the elections, most recently in 2016 when two delegates refused to cast their vote for Donald Trump.

Trump had initially secured 306 electoral delegates, exactly what Biden received in this year’s election, and the two separations therefore could not change the outcome.

However, 32 states and Washington DC have passed laws that require electoral delegates to vote for the candidate who received the most votes. The Republicans’ attempt to reverse this was also rejected by the Supreme Court.

If Biden loses Monday, 37 of the election delegates he has secured must escape and cast their vote for Trump. There is no indication that this is happening.

Well known

On January 20, a 78-year-old veteran takes over the Oval Office, nearly 50 years after going to Washington as a newly elected senator from Delaware at the age of 29.

After eight years as vice president under Barack Obama, he is well known in the White House, as are many of the staff he wants to surround himself with.

Among other things, Biden has nominated Obama’s former deputy secretary of state Tony Blinken for the post of secretary of state, and he wants former CIA deputy director Avril Haines as the head of all 17 US intelligence agencies.

He also wants Vivek Murthy in the top job of director of the US Federal Public Health Agency, a position the 43-year-old also held for several years with Obama.


Linda Thomas-Greenfield, whom Biden loves as a UN ambassador, was an undersecretary of state during the Obama administration, and former Obama Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack is also a regular and nominated for his old position.

Biden wants Janet Yellen, who was appointed governor of the central bank during the Obama administration, as finance minister, and he wants Alejandro Mayorkas as security minister. He was undersecretary of state in the same department under Obama.

Former Obama Secretary of State John Kerry will serve as Biden’s climate envoy, and retired General Lloyd Austin has been nominated for the post of Secretary of Defense. He was deputy defense attorney under Obama.

Therefore, no one expects big surprises, but a constant democratic course when Biden takes office.
