Oslo City Hall, E6 | The bourgeois parties demand the construction of a controversial E6 tunnel:


The four bourgeois parties of the Storting are joining forces against the Oslo City Council to build the E6 tunnel at the eastern end of Oslo.

Conservatives, the Progress Party, Christian Democrats, and liberals in the Storting are now instructing their own government to ensure that progress for the development of E6 Oslo East continues as planned. This is despite the Oslo City Council’s clear no to the project, which will put much of the traffic underground in a tunnel at Manglerud.

– If the Oslo City Council fails Manglerud, the Storting must take responsibility. Four bourgeois parties are now working together to make the Manglerud tunnel, Conservative Party parliamentary representative and climate policy spokesman Stefan Heggelund tells Nettavisen.

In a note to the state budget for next year, the bourgeois parties, which have a majority in the transport and communications committee, ask the government to enter into a dialogue with the municipality of Oslo to implement the necessary zoning plans. Alternatively, they ask for an evaluation of a state plan, which in practice means an overtaking of Oslo politicians.

– The Oslo City Council is a brake, but if Manglerud fails, the parliamentary majority is ready to take responsibility, says Heggelund.

Also read: FRP attacks Oslo City Council for controversial road plan: – We must exceed the MDGs

Frp: – Quite incomprehensible

The representative of the Storting, Bård Hoksrud (Frp), characterizes the whole matter as incomprehensible.

– It is quite incomprehensible that the red-green city hall is a brake on this. This is urban and environmental policy at its finest. Here in practice we will eliminate the traffic by placing it in a tunnel, and it will be a big boost for the entire Manglerud area, Hoksrud tells Nettavisen, and shoots more towards the town hall:

– Instead, the red greens seem more concerned with annoying Oslo residents as much as possible with resident parking, more expensive parking and elimination of parking spaces, rather than chasing real urban development, he says.

Receive the support of politicians from the KrF city council in Oslo, Espen Andreas Hasle, who believes that it is important to start the tunnel for those who live along the road.

– Children and adults in many places in Oslo have a better school and living environment, as we have moved the traffic underground and away from people. I really treat the children of Manglerud and Høyenhall the same way, says Hasle, and at the same time points out:

– It is not about increasing road capacity, but about making Oslo a safer, greener and more humane city. See what the Opera Tunnel has done for the city center, we can also get such a development in Manglerud.

The Liberal Party city council politician in Oslo, Hallstein Bjercke, has also long fought for the tunnel. He believes that the project consists of removing a road.

– E6 Oslo East is about removing a road, not building a highway. It’s about removing a huge source of pollution for up to 30,000 people who live their lives along one of Norway’s busiest roads, he tells Nettavisen.

Also read: – The lantern on the E6 Oslo East

Berg: – Pump the exhaust to Oslo

Residents along the E6 at Manglerud in Oslo have been waiting for 25 years for the tunnel that will put traffic underground. But the Oslo city council will archive the whole project like this.

– A development on the E6 Oslo East will pump cars and exhaust in Oslo and pollute the air for asthmatics, children, young people and the elderly in our city, the Environment and Transport Agency Lan Marie Berg (MDG) told Nettavisen in November.

The statements made the affected neighbors react strongly.

– Obviously, Lan Marie Berg cannot have understood what this project is about. He speaks of asthmatics, children, young and old, and uses them as an excuse to oppose the E6 Oslo East. The project is precisely about eliminating harmful noise and air pollution for the people living in the area, Eili Vigestad Berge, a member of the Action Group for the E6 Oslo East environmental project, told Nettavisen.

Also read: Residents have been waiting for the tunnel for 25 years. Now the conservatives ask the opponent for help

Frp: – You must overtake them

In November, the Progress Party also came out and said that the Oslo City Council, led by the Green Party (ODM), must be overtaken by a state highway regulation.

– If the MDGs in the city hall are allowed to continue like this, then we just have to execute a state zoning plan and exceed them, Parliamentary representative and vice chairman of the Storting transport committee Bård Hoksrud (Frp) told Nettavisen.

– FRP clearly does not care about the environment or local democracy, was Berg’s response.

Hoksrud pointed out that local people want the project and therefore they are listened to if the project is done.

Price: 16 billion

The E6 Oslo East project includes a section of approximately 15 kilometers of the current E6 between Klemetsrud and Trosterud in Oslo. After the city of Oslo determined the planning program for the road section in 2016, an expanded planning area was subsequently announced to study new alternative routes for the E6 in a tunnel under Manglerud, between Abildsø and the Ulven / area. Alna in Oslo.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has already planned much of the project, and what remains is a regulation of the tunnel and obtaining the funding. In the 2016 Oslo Package 3 agreement, this was a priority project. But since the Oslo City Council made it clear that they no longer want the tunnel when they were re-elected in 2019, the project is no longer on the Norwegian Public Roads Administration’s list of priority projects in the National Transport Plan. The reason is that the roads to be financed with tolls must have local connections.

The project price is estimated at NOK 16 billion, and construction is planned to start in the period 2024-2028.

The online newspaper has contacted the Oslo City Council’s department for environment and transport for a comment on the matter of Lan Marie Berg (ODM) from the Environment and Transport Agency.


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