Audit urgently summoned the Equinor director to a meeting after serious fires – E24


It burned at an Equinor plant last week. Two days later, the director of Equinor, Irene Rummelhoff, had to give explanations to the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority.

Irene Rummelhoff, Executive Vice President of Equinor.

Jarle Aasland


He has been raiding Equinor this fall. A series of incidents at the ground facilities have drawn strong criticism.

Executive Vice President Irene Rummelhoff is responsible for Equinor’s onshore facilities. It had to be explained to the head of the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority, Anne Myhrvold, last Friday.

Displays documents that Aftenposten / E24 has had access to.

Three incidents

The PSA called the Equinor boss to a meeting based on a series of incidents this fall:

The invitation came the day before.

– It is rare that Equinor directors are summoned for a meeting on such short notice, says Anne Myhrvold. She is the director of the PSA.

– Emphasizes the seriousness of the situation, he says.

Both Equinor and the PSA are investigating the incidents at the various facilities. But it will take time. And the PSA already needs answers now.

“How do you assess the situation and what do you do now, before we have the results of the investigations?” The PSA wanted to know. It comes from the PSA minutes of the meeting.

The audit also included supervisor Ingvill H. Foss, supervisor Torleif Husebø, and supervisor Kjell Arild Anfindsen.

Rummelhoff brought Ståle Tungesvik and Grete Birgitte Haaland with him. Both come from your management team.

“The background of the meeting is the development that (PSA, journal.anm.) We have seen with several serious incidents recently,” it says in the minutes.

Anne Myhrvold is Director of the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority.

Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

Crisis plan launched

Last week, Rummelhoff came up with an emergency plan. To clean up safety on the ground, he released the following points:

  • Investigation of incidents.
  • A security timeout. All ground facility managers and employees should reflect on incidents and actions.
  • Project to ensure that orders and measures are followed with sufficient quality.
  • Identify if they have the appropriate competence and ability.

The plan was launched in Aftenposten and Dagens Næringsliv a few hours before she met the PSA. She repeated the audit points.

– We experience that they take this seriously. It was a good statement, says Myhrvold.

The PSA points to two shortcomings that are repeated in the facilities:

  • Employee participation.
  • Staffing, capacity and competence.

Equinor: takes events seriously

Morten Eek is Equinor’s communications manager.

– We have had several incidents this fall. We take it very seriously. When the PSA invites a meeting, we are available, he says.

– Do Equinor directors meet frequently with the PSA?

– We maintain a regular dialogue with the PSA. When they take the initiative, we are available. Meetings are not uncommon.

The meeting started shortly after the Tjeldbergodden fire. It happened two days in advance.

– Is it common on such short notice?

– We do not experience that a fixed time interval is necessary to request a meeting.

