Murder suspect (30) is said to have had contact with Ørjan Solum prior to his disappearance – NRK Sørlandet – Local News, TV and Radio


The man accused of murder was jailed for four weeks Thursday with a letter and a visitation ban.

Police believe he is guilty of the murder of Ørjan Solum, the 24-year-old who was found dead in the former Steinsås mines in Arendal in May.

Documents from the prison meeting show that the police linked the man to the murder in various ways. The ruling is not without public opinion.

It follows from the judgment that the defendant must, among other things, have had contact with Solum before his disappearance.

According to the ruling, the police have been in contact with witnesses who link the defendant with Solum’s disappearance.

Solum was reported missing in late March. In May, it was found by divers in one of the mine shafts.

On Tuesday afternoon, a dead man was found at the Steinsås mines in Arendal, where the missing Ørjan Solum (25) has been searched.

The old Steinsås mines are huge and located very close to the center of Arendal.

Photo: Asbjørn Odd Berge / NRK

There may be more arrests

The 30-year-old was arrested Tuesday in connection with the murder case. There may be multiple arrests in the case, police have previously stated.

The man denies criminal guilt. During Thursday’s prison meeting, he asked to be released.

He was first called as a witness in the case. During the interrogation, it was explained in a manner contrary to the communication reports obtained by the police, according to the ruling.

Police also note that Solum was found with injuries that may have been inflicted on purpose by someone.

The relationship between Solum and the accused is unknown.

Previously convicted

The 30-year-old man was sentenced in the winter of 2019 to prison for serious drug offenses, according to a verdict from the Aust-Agder District Court that NRK has had access to.

He received a prison sentence as a result of storing large quantities of drugs, including several hundred grams of amphetamines, hashish, and MDMA tablets.

In the same sentence, he was convicted of driving under the influence of drugs.

The Aust-Agder District Court verdict establishes that the man in 2016 was convicted of drug offenses in a district court in another part of the country.
