Lan wasn’t today either. But she almost apologized then


Today’s city council meeting was really about budget. What will the Oslo municipality spend its little more than NOK 75 billion on next year? And where to find money?

Right now it is more complicated. The year has been long and unusually difficult. The city does not have enough money, at least not to fix jobs for the tens of thousands of suddenly unemployed. Or to save the mushroom-ruined shops in the city during the day.

And after a long and heavy budget work, there has been a long and heavy budget negotiation. Rødt has threatened to fire the city council if they do not want to communalize bus operations, for example. But now they reached the finish line in the end. And everything must be voted on and discussed at today’s city council meeting. The penultimate of the year, create the tradition.

But suddenly there weren’t so many budget conscious anymore. A genuine motion of censure has been filed against the City Council for the Environment and Transport.

Yes, Lan Marie Nguyen Berg! The motorist bully, the feat of the old men! The Oslo City Council politician that absolutely everyone should think of something forever! They were going to fire her today. At least if the Toll Party and FRP motion of no confidence was adopted from the previous meeting. Would Lan Berg end up as Miss Trust?


(When the question was first posed, I was a bit confused. “LAN must go” has been a catchphrase you’ve heard for a long time, but mostly from Bergen. Lars Arne Nilsen, also called LAN, was actually a coach. Popular for Brann, he put on makeup from the first division on the first try, earning them several medals and big cheers, but in recent years things have gone wrong, and in August he was fired. Since then, things have gotten even worse for Brann.)

But anyway: Distrust! Camilla Wilhelmsen of the Progress Party summed it up in her opening speech.

– Councilor Berg is responsible for the persistent violations of the Work Environment Law at EGE.

– Councilor Berg is responsible for the infractions of the contracting regulations and the lack of management and control of the contracting area at EGE.

– Councilor Berg is responsible for the waste of 19 million tax crowns on cloakroom buildings that were not built.

– And the Berg City Council is responsible for the City Council not giving the City the correct information at the right time.

For the record: EGE is the Energy Recycling Agency. In other words, the case is about garbage and recycling and not least how those who do that kind of work have worked too hard. In the past year, it became known that there have been many illegal overtime and many other violations of the Work Environment Act at the Energy Recycling Agency. All well documented in a long PWC report.

– In the PWC report, you will find crimes on almost every page, said Bjørn Revil on FNB.

This is roughly what a city council meeting looks like during the day. Deaf, who would have thought that Oslo City Hall could be missed?

READ ALSO: There is no power in this room

Also has there has been a breach of procurement regulations and a lot of money has been wasted on a wardrobe that went through the opposite Prøysen effect. You know, that Christmas present song. How little Jensemann struggles all day to plan and carve and saw on a board to make a sewing table for his mother. But as he works he gets smaller and smaller and in the end poor mother only gets a little bacon.

Well in Haraldrud it started as a bacon (or a wardrobe facility, then), but as they worked and worked the project got bigger and bigger and eventually it was both a server park and offices and one with the other. A sewing table, at least. Before the whole project was scrapped and Christmas was ruined. Reverse Prussia.

But the last the accusation against Lan Marie Berg is the most serious. And the least serious at the same time. Politicians are very, very concerned that a city council (or for that matter a minister) will give the city council (or parliament) the correct information and never bring it to light.

In this case, the point is that Lan Marie Berg once said that there MAY have been a violation of the Work Environment Law at EGE. And in that moment, he probably knew it had happened. Compared to all the offenses and waste and everything that has happened at EGE, it seems pretty small. But for a city council politician, there is no greater crime than saying “I can” when he should have said “have.” Read more about this in the previous city council report.

And that’s the last thing conservatives are most concerned about.

– What we are going to discuss is whether Councilor Berg complies with the parliamentary rules of the game, said Conservative leader Øystein Sundelin.

The town hall parties flocked of course around one of its biggest stars.

– We are not at the goal. The fractures are going down, the arrow is pointing in the right direction, but we must continue to focus on this, said Frode Jacobsen in the Labor Party.

– This is not a reason for mistrust, on the contrary it is trustworthy, said Sirin Hellvin Stav in ODM.

The violation of the regulations on working time was also a challenge for the bourgeois city council. Since then, there has been a clear restructuring operation, said Sunniva Holmås Eidsvoll of SV.

But this speaks for itself. The somewhat exciting question here for the last week has been what should Rødt mean. They are very concerned about being concerned about the Work Environment Law. So could Rødt reject a vote of no confidence that tried to get the city council to treat workers badly?

Yes, they could. In an interview with Dagsavisen on Tuesday, Rødt clarified that they would not support the proposal. Today, group leader Siavash Mobasheri made it easy:

“Politics is more important than the game of the chair,” he said.

READ ALSO: A poem about the city council meeting in Oslo on June 10, 2020

Because it is Clearly, if you express distrust in one town hall, you can quickly scrap the entire town hall. Red does not have much to gain. For the right wing, and the center parties, there is not much concern.

On the other hand, it is perhaps more important to bring the City Council to its knees.

– The Liberal Party can have confidence in a humble city council that admits mistakes. We haven’t seen that, Hallstein Bjercke in the Liberal Party said.

Espen Andreas Hasle of KrF, considered it necessary to talk about how they react strongly to all the irrational criticism that Councilor Berg receives, before confirming that they support mistrust:

– There was humility and apology. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen that, he said.

And so there was only Councilor Berg’s defense speech.

Could be An exaggeration to say that expectations were through the roof. After the last town hall meeting, in this column I compared the town hall post to the song “happy” by Pharrell Williams, where he sings “Give me everything you’ve got, and don’t stop.” (…) Don’t be offended, don’t waste your time. Because I’m happy “.

But on Wednesday, it was actually a rather humble city councilor, Berg, who took the home office chair.

– The problems could have been revealed earlier. The costume project could have been canceled earlier, he said.

– It wasn’t perfect when I took over. And it won’t be perfect when you go ahead, he continued, before finishing:

– In this case, I have learned a lot that I want to take myself further.

And closer to an apology, I just don’t think we’re going.

ALSO READ: Red saves Berg from mistrust
