Negotiations with Skanska can be stopped – NRK Møre og Romsdal – Local News, TV and Radio


Information from final negotiations between contractor Skanska and project management will send shock waves to Helse Møre og Romsdal’s board on Wednesday. What was supposed to be a simple and straightforward status message about progress became a clear message about impending collapse.

– This is very dramatic information, exclaimed board member Sigurd Torvik Heian, before the board had to take a break to study the speech.


The size of the overflows is exempt from public access. But the project has a management framework of NOK 4.6 billion. It is unknown how many hundreds of millions on this claim by Skanska is, for example.

The project’s board leader, Johan Arnt Vatnan, has no doubts. The project must go back to the beginning if Skanska does not reduce the price.

– Based on the offer received, I consider it therefore not advisable to sign a contract for the implementation phase with Skanska, says the leader of the project board, Johan Arnt Vatnan. We are now preparing for a cancellation in which Skanska is given a deadline to make a final offer, he added.

Health Møre og Romsdal council meeting

Helse Møre og Romsdal’s board broke off the meeting on Wednesday to take a closer look at the background to the crime between the project board and Skanska.

Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / NRK

– Notice the crisis

The health policy spokesman in the Center Party, Kjersti Toppe, has followed the bitter hospital dispute in Nordmøre and Romsdal for several years. The development has gone through a bitter location dispute, there have been lawsuits and the first round of bidding was also interrupted because the price of the first attempt became too high.

Kjersti Toppe (Sp) during the Storting Question Time

Spokesperson for health policy in the Center Party, Kjersti Toppe.

Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten

– This is a crisis alert. The Center Party has said that this project was financially unsustainable from day one. Now the health trust is in a dire situation and this is not very reliable. I understand that the inhabitants have surrendered, says Toppe.

She believes that Helse Møre og Romsdal should now consider other solutions in addition to the construction of a new large joint hospital for Nordmøre and Romsdal.

– We think it would have been better and more economically sustainable to build a smaller hospital in Hjelset and at the same time maintain a ward hospital in Kristiansund, with a maternity ward and beds, says Toppe.

– Urekeleg

Kjell Neergaard

Mayor of Kristiansund, Kjell Neergaard.

Photo: Marius André Jenssen Stenberg / NRK

The latest developments in the hospital case have sparked strong reactions in Nordmøre and Romsdal. The mayor of Kristiansund, Kjell Neergaard, believes that what is happening is irreversible. Refers to work with cuts in the zone. Instead of the price going down, it goes up.

– What is happening is exhausting both for employees and for the population, says Neergaard.

The mayor of Kristiansund fears for the professional community if there are no clarifications soon.

– Caused

Mayor of Molde, Torgeir Dahl

Mayor of Molde, Torgeir Dahl.

Photo: Hans-Olav Landsverk / NRK

The mayor of Molde, Torgeir Dahl (H) is provoked. He thinks that there is both insecurity and anger in the population because they have not received information. Think that what has happened is not professional.

– It’s been going on for 10 years. We’ve been at this for so long and we’ve been keeping promises all the time and then we get these kinds of surprises, Dahl says.

Skanska meets your requirements

It was as late as yesterday that Skanska announced that the company was sticking to the price they had seen on the project.

Audun Lågøyr at the National Association of the Construction Industry.

Audun Lågøyr is Skanska’s Director of Communications.

Photo: BNL

– This is well above the expected market price for the emergency hospital, said the leader of the project board, Johan Arnt Vatnan. Now we have to work qualitatively well with one more alternative track, he said.

Skanska communications director Audun Lågøyr says they have no comment on what has come out today other than the fact that he is puzzled by how the project board has compared the costs of this hospital to other hospital projects. .

The project board leader presented a comparison of the costs of hospital projects in both Norway and Sweden. Skanska’s calculations were found to be above average for projects with which SNR is natural to compare.

Delaying the start of construction

Everything indicates that the start of the main construction works will be postponed. Preliminary works in the area of ​​the plot will begin as planned on December 14.

– We had originally planned to begin construction on the rest in December or January. That will not be the case. Work on the construction pit will likely be postponed until the summer of 2021, Vatnan said.

Consequences for project progress will be presented in a separate case in January.

Health Møre og Romsdal council meeting

DRAMATIC AND SHOCKING: During the hour-long break in the board meeting, the representatives had to review the new information. Negotiations with Skanska are on the verge of stalling.

Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / NRK

Waste of cooperation with Skanska?

One of the questions now is whether the collaboration with the Skanska construction company has been in vain. The tenant of the project’s board, Johan Arnt Vatnan, rejected it.

– We are in a serious situation. But we have had to develop a good hospital. It is better than the previous project and is clear from the comparisons with other new hospital buildings. This work has a clear value. This means that we can maintain a higher pace in the next round, Vatnan said.
