School and kindergarten closes after fire – NRK Vestland


– We know that it is a boiler that is out of operation and then we cannot raise the temperature. We have workarounds, but that’s something we need to consider, says City Manager Terje Heggheim.

It was around 8 a.m. on Wednesday when a report came in about the development of smoke in a lighthouse room next to the Torvmyrane school in Florø.

There is also SFO and kindergarten in connection with the school. When the fire broke out, they were the ones who evacuated, while the school day had not started. All the kindergarten students and children were sent home.

The fire department took control of the development of smoke in the boiler room. 141 students and 65 kindergarten children were sent home.

Now school and kindergarten will be closed for the week. Heggheim says a new evaluation will take place on Friday. Students must now receive digital education.

– The principal and teachers have a contingency plan for a digital school if the situation were that the school is closed until after the Christmas holidays. There are slightly bigger challenges when it comes to kindergarten, because it’s not just about saying we have a digital solution. That is part of the evaluations we do until Friday, he says.

Now gas measurements will be made and it will be observed what the heat and smoke have caused any damage. They will use the time until Friday to evaluate this. The cause of the fire is unknown, for example. Heggheim doesn’t know how extensive the damage to the building is.

– The most important thing is that both employees and children have a safe learning environment. It’s my responsibility, and then we use the time until Friday to find out. I would like to congratulate both the firefighters and the school staff for the way they handled this.
