Coronavirus, Espen Nakstad | Press conference on the situation of the crown on December 9


Follow the press conference with, among others, the Minister of Justice Monica Mæland and Espen Nakstad from the Norwegian Health Directorate live from 1pm.

MARMORSALEN, OSLO (Nettavisen): – Although we are not in control yet, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their efforts this difficult fall, Justice Minister Monica Mæland began at Wednesday’s press conference, where she spoke about ” the second wave of infection “that hit Norway.

The government is holding a press conference on the status of the crown. This case is continually updated.

New rules on quarantined hotels in consultation

Mæland reported on the adjustments and clarifications in the quarantine rules that are being sent as proposals for consultation now, with a consultation period of 48 hours. The rules will be that those arriving in Norway from red countries must stay in quarantined hotels. Those who can document the leases can stay there. Those who do not own or rent a home can stay in what Mæland described as a “suitable place”, if they can document that quarantine rules are being followed.

– We hope these rules make things easier for people without compromising infection control, said Mæland.

Nakstad with a message to the youth

Deputy Health Director Espen Naksad spoke about the infection among young people and a campaign that is now being launched on social media to reach this target group. The message from Nakstad and the Norwegian Health Directorate is that you yourself should stay home and not go to school “at the slightest smell”.

– One challenge is that many young people are still infected. It is important that we manage to keep the schools open as we wish. It is not always easy to know when you are sick and when you are contagious. Teens don’t have as many symptoms as adults, so there is reason to pay more attention. The most common symptoms of covid-19, and this also applies to young people, are headaches, sagging and nasal congestion, Nakstad said.

The Norwegian Health Directorate provides clear advice on its website:

“No one should go to school if they are sick. This applies to the green, yellow and red levels.”

Minister for Justice and Emergency Management Monica Mæland (H), Minister of Health and Care Services Bent Høie (H), Deputy Director of Health Espen Rostrup Nakstad and Director of the Department of Public Health of Line Vold attend the conference press.

In the last 24 hours, 460 corona infections have been recorded in Norway. That’s 80 more than the day before and 19 more than the same day last week, NTB reports.

A total of 39,163 people infected by corona were registered in this country at midnight tonight, according to preliminary figures from the National Infectious Disease Reporting System (MSIS).

Norway’s incidence rate measured as infection cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the past 14 days is 103.6 on Wednesday, according to a summary from ECDC (see table below). The corresponding figure for Sweden is 702.2. For Denmark, the figure is 375.1. For Finland, the figure is 107.9, while Iceland has 58.3 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants during the period. Luxembourg and Croatia have the highest infection pressures in Europe with 1199.7 and 1149.0, respectively.

Also read: Sweden introduces stricter national infection control councils from December 14

Infographic: This is the infection situation in Europe as of December 9 (EU, EEA and Great Britain):

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