Texas will invalidate election results in other states


The Texas government has asked the United States Supreme Court to annul the results of the presidential elections in several other states.

Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General. Photo: Tony Gutierrez / AP / NTB

The lawsuit was filed Tuesday by Republican Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general.

Paxton believes that the election results in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan should be declared unconstitutional, according to CNBC. One reason is that states used the crown pandemic as an “excuse” for changes in electoral rules that Paxton claims were illegal.

Joe Biden received the most votes in all four states in the presidential election in early November. According to Paxton, the consequence of the alleged constitutional violations should be that state electorates are not counted when the next president of the United States is appointed.

– I’ve never seen anything like it

Several American law professors use terms like “crazy” and “cow-cow” on Paxton’s lawsuit.

– We’ve never seen anything like this, this idea that one state on the Supreme Court can claim that votes were cast incorrectly in another state, says Georgetown University Professor Paul Smith.

He believes Texas may have significant difficulty in explaining why the state has any basis for the lawsuit.

– The trick

Stephen I. Vladeck, professor of law at the University of Texas, writes Twitter that Texas has risen to the top in the category of “the craziest demands supposedly to contest the election.”

According to Vladeck, it is almost impossible for the United States Supreme Court to hear the lawsuit. He describes it as a “trick”, which must nevertheless be considered offensive and dangerous.

Authorities in all four states are also reacting strongly. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel calls the lawsuit a public relations stunt.

A representative of the Georgian authorities, Jordan Fuchs, said in a statement that the claim was false and irresponsible.

Allegations of electoral fraud

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has also made several claims that the official election result must be changed so that he can retain power. His reasoning is alleged cases of electoral fraud, which have not been documented or proven.

Not only Ken Paxton in Texas, but also some Republicans in other states have joined the Trump campaign. One example is the 64 Republicans-elect in Pennsylvania who have signed a demand that Congress must prevent state voters from voting for Biden.

So far, there is little indication that the Republican lawsuits and demands will have a real impact on the outcome of the election.

The Attorney General is a position with different tasks and responsibilities in the different states of the US The areas of responsibility may correspond to the Public Ministry, the Minister of Justice of the state government or the main person responsible for the prosecution. The Attorney General at the federal level is the Attorney General of the United States.
