Ørjan (24) found dead – Man arrested and charged with murder


On Tuesday morning, Agder police arrested a man in his 30s in connection with the death of Ørjan-Helmer Gundersen Solum.

Solum was found dead in the Steinsås mines outside Arendal on May 19, having been missing since March 25. The arrested person is charged with murder or complicity in murder in Solum.

Police lawyer Vanja Bruvoll from the Agder police district claims that the defendant was arrested today at 10.45.

– It happened without drama, in the place where it was, Bruvoll tells Dagbladet, without giving more details about this.

MISSING: Ørjan Helmer Gundersen Solum, 25 years old. Photo: Private / Police
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He reports at 12:30 pm that the accused is going to the Arendal police station.

– You have been appointed defender and we will conduct interrogations if you are willing to do so, says the police lawyer.

Does not exclude further arrests

Bruvoll will not go into detail about how police surrounded the defendant, who has been questioned in the case before.

– It has been a long investigation, and it is the sum of the technical and tactical clues that have led to the arrest, he says.

The police attorney does not rule out that more people could be arrested in the case.

– There have been several people interested in the case, and further investigation will show if there is a basis for more arrests, he says.

SEARCH FOR: Police have found one person dead in the Steinås mines in Arendal. Video: NTB SCANPIX
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Questioned today

– You’re surprised by the arrest, says defendant’s defense attorney Anne Marstrander-Berg at the Staff to Dagbladet law firm.

Marstrander-Berg has been in telephone contact with the client after the arrest.

– We suppose they will question him today, she says.

Before questioning, the attorney cannot say anything about how the client answers the guilt question.

SEARCH: Two firefighters were lifted with ladders into the mines in connection with the search for Ørjan Helmer Gundersen.  Photo: Tor Erik Schrder / NTB scanpix

SEARCH FOR: Two firefighters descended ladders into the mines in connection with the search for Ørjan Helmer Gundersen. Photo: Tor Erik Schrder / NTB scanpix
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Dagbladet is informed that the defendant has been involved with the penal system before, but not in connection with murder cases.

Solum was last observed in Arendal at 5:50 p.m.

The mines where Solum was found are very close to where he was last seen alive. It was still time before the police entered the mines as they are old and there is talk of demanding terrain, police told Dagbladet in May.

In September, police said the autopsy report showed Solum likely drowned.
