Tax lists, tax settlement | Tax settlement of NOK 637 billion in 2019


The tax assessment, and therefore the tax lists, for 4.9 million people and 345,000 companies is now complete.

Tax lists for tax year 2019 are available for search at at 07.00 December 8. The search includes net figures for individuals and businesses, the Tax Administration writes in a statement Monday morning.

Starting early Tuesday morning, you can spy on your neighbor, boss, or ex to find out how much they had in income, how much they paid in taxes, and with what wealth they are listed. The tax authorities remind you that you register when you apply to others, so if you apply to the neighbor, the neighbor is notified that you have requested him or her. Like you can check who has spied on you.

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In addition to the personal tax lists, the Tax Administration makes more general descriptions. For example, from early tomorrow you can see the tax assessment distributed by municipality here:

The online newspaper comes with its own tax search service and its own lists, which will be ready early Tuesday morning.

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Increase in the number of searches

Since October last year, there have been 1.8 million searches of the tax lists on, divided into 620,000 unique logins. There is an increase compared to the same period of the previous year. At that time, 1.6 million searches were distributed among 480,000 unique logins.

At the same time, there is a sharp decline from the 2012 peak year, which is the year before the search log was introduced, so applicants are notified. A total of 16.5 million searches were performed.

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– There is a long tradition of openness around tax lists in Norway. We believe that transparency about income, wealth and taxes helps to strengthen confidence in the tax system. The current scheme balances well between consideration for transparency and consideration for privacy, says Chief Tax Officer Nina Schanke Funnemark.

Also Read: This You Must Know If You Are Going To Snoop On Tax Lists

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Income and profit tax of approximately NOK 637 billion

The total tax settlement for 2019 shows that employees, pensioners and the self-employed have paid a total of NOK 539 billion in taxes and duties on income and wealth. In addition, 345,000 companies have paid NOK 98 billion in taxes (with the exception of tax revenues from the oil business).

3 million employees, retirees and the self-employed were reimbursed a total of NOK 39 billion in this year’s tax settlement. At the same time, 820,000 arrears paid totaling NOK 26 billion had to be paid. For those who received tax benefits, the average amount was NOK 12,800. What had an explosion had to cost up to 31,800 crowns.

– Most people are happy to pay the right taxes throughout the year. If you have received a residual tax or a tax benefit, it is because your financial circumstances were different than the basis for your calculated tax deduction. You can avoid this by adjusting the information on the tax card throughout the year, says tax director Nina Schanke Funnemark.

– The virus outbreak has affected the economy of many. If you are one of those who are affected by the loss of income due to the coronavirus due to dismissal or termination, you should consult the information when you obtain a tax card for 2021. In this way, you can alleviate your financial situation by lowering the tax deduction. Lower bank interest rates are another important reason to check the tax card, recalls the tax director.

Here you can change your tax card:

You can modify the tax return yourself up to three years after the due date.

If you discover errors in the tax assessment, in most cases you can modify them yourself so that the Tax Administration can correct the information, recalculate the tax and send you a new tax assessment.

See the guide to help you change tax information yourself:

The online newspaper has already covered a large number of tax figures in advance. You can find the full list here:


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