Assault, Oslo District Court | Old nude photos appeared on a fake profile


The ex posted nude photos of herself and another woman, used their names, and shared photos to people she knew. Still, he escaped from prison.

A 28-year-old man has been convicted in the Oslo District Court of identity theft, possession of media files that sexualize minors and invading the privacy of two women. He received 90 hours of community service.

– What signals does this punishment send to others who are thinking of doing the same? This has been incredibly difficult for me. I was afraid to go out. Fear of losing your job. I am ashamed and did not dare to tell friends and family, says one of the women. Today he is 28 years old.

The nightmare began with a message from an acquaintance, in the winter of 2018. An acquaintance of hers had seen photos of her, but her name and age. on the Nakenprat website. This is a website where people post sexual images and chat with each other.

– The person had seen a profile in my name. He reacted to the fact that I was so young in the photos, so he wondered if this was something that I had posted myself, the woman says.

Was not. The photos were taken from three videos that her ex-boyfriend had taken of her in 2010. They showed her naked sleeping on her stomach and in lingerie in an intimate situation. At that time she was 17 years old.

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Post pictures of her naked

He had been saving on the videos for eight years, he took photos of them as well as new videos with text on them. Now the photos on were in his name.

– The worst thing was that the profile said in great detail my name, how old I was and where I lived, the woman tells Nettavisen.

She reported the case the day after this investigation and the police assisted her so that the profiles finally disappeared.

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Before the profile disappeared, the police told him that he had to follow it to verify if it had disappeared or had changed.

– At the same time, I saw how many had seen the profile and read the comments. Men who lived in the same city as me had left comments on the profile.

The promiscuous profile created in her name strongly influenced her. Not just one person had invaded her privacy. She was also afraid that the employer would discover the profiles, or that people who had seen them would recognize her on the street.

Nothing happened

Five days after she reported the matter, the police had identified the now convicted man as a probable perpetrator for posting photos on the fake profiles.

However, the police did nothing more in the case. The man was not contacted by the police, it says in the Oslo District Court verdict.

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– It was incredibly stressful that nothing happened. I was ashamed and thought it was partly my fault. I was afraid of being recognized when I was taking public transport or in the store. I deleted all my social media profiles. I didn’t dare talk about it with my mother and father. Only a few friends knew about it, the woman says.

New profile – new victim

After almost a year, the winter of 2019, a friend contacted her. He said a profile had been created in his name. This time on Instagram.

He contacted the police again. It should turn out to be the same perpetrator as the previous year.

Now she had also created profiles on behalf of another young woman. Through profiles on YouTube and Instagram, he shared photos and videos of a 2009 video when the woman was 14 years old. The man had sent links to these profiles, among others, to the woman’s husband.

She does not want to comment on the case to Nettavisen.

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A new year without action

The police resumed the investigation. In March 2019, it was decided to search the man’s house. Thus he was accused without knowing it. Despite this decision, the case remained until February 2020.

In February this year, the police searched the man’s home and found photographs of the girls before the age of 18. Therefore, he was charged with possession of photographs and videos that sexualized children.

During questioning, the man admitted the circumstances and the charges were brought in September 2020. He has now been convicted.

The woman Nettavisen spoke to is disappointed that the police waited so long to do something about the case.

– I also think about the other woman. If the police had done something about the case in 2018, she would never have needed to be exposed to it, says the 28-year-old.

From prison to community service

For the 28-year-old, this has been a stressful case since the winter of 2018. The other woman was dragged into the case in the winter of 2019.The now-convicted woman realized that she had been charged in the case in the winter of 2020.

However, it is the now convicted man who has proven that the police have been involved in the case for a long time.

In the ruling, the Oslo District Court writes that the acts qualify for unconditional imprisonment for four or five months. You get a penalty discount because you recognized the circumstances, but the verdict states that the long stay should be reflected in the penalty.

“The defense lawyer has stated that there is a duration of stay in the case of up to two years, and that this is contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR),” it says in the sentence.

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The prosecution considered that the duration of his stay did not harm the convicted person, because he did not know that he had the status of accused.

The Oslo District Court does not agree with the accusation and therefore reduced the total sentence of unconditional imprisonment from four to five months to 90 hours of community service.

The 28-year-old woman believes that the punishment is not proportional to the stresses she has inflicted on her and the other woman.

– It’s sad. I’m also concerned about what happens when the next potential victim of these types of cases reviews the relationship. Considering the mental strain one goes through in such a case, it has no major consequences for him, says the woman.

The defendant’s defense attorney tells Nettavisen that he does not want to comment on the case. The Oslo Police District responds to Nettavisen that the police attorney in the case is on vacation and that they are therefore unable to comment on the case now.


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