Donald Trump – Spoke


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Trump and First Lady Melania Trump traveled Saturday night local time from the White House to Valdosta, Georgia, to campaign for the two Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, who are fighting in a very crucial new round of elections on January 5 against Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. The outcome of these elections will determine whether Republicans can maintain their narrow majority in the Senate.

Fear that Trump will cost them the election

Fear that Trump will cost them the election

Many thousands of Trump supporters had turned out many hours before the event itself. As during Trump’s events before the presidential election, there is very little social distancing and a long way to go despite the fact that the United States is in one of the worst periods of the pandemic.

– We won Georgia, says Trump in one of his first sentences on the podium. This does not match the certified election result where Biden won with around 12,500 votes.

Trump then continues to make unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud.

– More extreme

So it seems like Trump is speaking up and admitting that he lost the election before he quickly corrects himself and says he did not lose.

– They say that if you win Florida and if you win Ohio, historically no one has lost an election. This must be the first time. But the truth is that they are right. We have never lost an election. We are winning this election, says Trump.

In fact, Trump lost both Georgia and the entire presidential election.

Trump also makes violent accusations against Democratic Senate candidates, who are relatively center-right.

– Ossoff and Warnock are the two most extreme leftist candidates in the history of this country. They will not settle for making America a socialist. They want to make it communist. It won’t do Georgia very well, says Trump.

Trump is also asking people to vote in an election that will be electoral fraud, and he is proposing new kicks against the Republican Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, and the prime minister.

“They need to be tougher,” said Trump, who is trying to get them to call a special meeting of the state legislature to reverse the election result.

Trump’s trip comes just over a month after the election that he himself lost to Democratic candidate Joe Biden. But Trump himself still claims that his election was stolen and that he has been the subject of massive electoral fraud.

– If I had lost, I would have been a very worthy loser and I would have gone to Florida. But you can’t give up when someone tries to cheat and steal the election, says Trump.

GO VIRAL: Melissa Carone has been described as a “star witness” by both Donald Trump and Rudy Guiliani. Now she is being ridiculed. Video: Michigan State House. Reporter: Elias Kr. Zahl-Pettersen
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On Saturday before leaving for Georgia, Trump approached Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. Kemp received massive support from Trump when he ran for office in 2018, but after Trump himself lost Georgia to Biden with more than 12,500 votes, Trump has been furious at Kemp.

Various media outlets, including the Washington Post, report that Trump called Kemp on Saturday to summon him to an extraordinary meeting of the state assembly with the goal of reversing the election.

Kemp rejected the claim just hours before Trump left for the state. This prompted Trump to pick up the fight. Twitter.

– But you never got the signature verification! Your people refuse to do what you ask. What are they hiding? At the very least, immediately request an extraordinary meeting of the state assembly. You can do it easily and immediately, Trump writes.


Trump’s “star witness” goes viral

Trump has been obsessed with defeat in the presidential election and tried to reverse the outcome both in the judiciary and by pressuring local poll workers. Ahead of the Georgia elections, many Republicans fear that Trump will ruin both senators by focusing on his own defeat and thereby also making potential voters believe that the electoral system in Georgia is completely corrupt and that it makes no sense. vote.

Trump has repeated countless times that there has been widespread electoral fraud in states like Florida. However, it has not provided any documentation in this regard. Rather, the claim has been refuted even by Republicans loyal to Trump like Georgia Governor Brian Kemp.

TRIUMPH: President Donald Trump delivered a new speech. Video: The White House
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– We have our doubts

Earlier this week, two attorneys, in connection with Trump’s lawsuit to reverse the election, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, were also in Georgia. They asked Trump supporters not to vote unless Republican leaders took aggressive action to reverse the outcome of the presidential election, The Guardian reports. Since the election, Trump has won a legal victory and lost 46.

Trump’s Vice President Mike Pence was in Georgia on Friday. He urged people to vote in the Senate elections.

– I know we all have our doubts about the previous elections and I hear some people say “Just don’t vote”. My dear compatriots, if you don’t vote, they will win, said Pence.

Former President Barack Obama also attended a digital event in support of Democratic candidates Warnock and Ossoff on Friday. Incoming President Joe Biden has announced that he also plans to travel to Georgia.

Break up with Trump

Break up with Trump
