– Most important speech I have given


“I want to update our work in progress to uncover extensive electoral fraud and irregularities that took place during the ridiculously long elections,” Trump said in a speech on Wednesday night Norwegian time.

In the speech, which he describes as “perhaps the most important speech I have ever made,” he says he will continue to protect the electoral system, which is now under “coordinated attack.”

Both Twitter and Facebook have already flagged the allegation of voter fraud in the video as “controversial.”

In the speech, Donald Trump also shoots at his Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

– My opponent was asked to stay away from the elections: “Do not campaign, we don’t need you, we are in control. This election is over.”

DECORATIONS: America’s First Lady Melania Trump displays Christmas decorations at the White House. Video: The White House
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– In fact, they behaved as if they already knew what the result would be. They had it under control, and maybe they had it, unfortunately for our country. It was all very, very strange, says Trump.

He goes on to say that he wants to make sure all legal votes are counted and that there are no illegal votes.

No evidence of voter fraud

U.S. Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday rejected the allegations by his own boss, Donald Trump, and said the Justice Department has found no evidence of widespread electoral fraud that could change the outcome of the election.

20 days of

20 days of “fantasy and failure”

In an interview with the AP news agency, he says that prosecutors and FBI agents have worked to follow up on specific complaints and information they have received, but that they have not discovered evidence that could change the outcome of the elections.

To date, we have not found electoral fraud on a scale that may have affected the outcome of the elections, he says.

The United States Cyber ​​Security Agency, under the auspices of Homeland Security, has also described the elections as the safest in the country’s history.
