For the first time, Sp is bigger than Labor – VG


HAPPY: Trygve Slagsvold Vedum is for the first time leader of the largest party on the red-green side in a party barometer for VG. Photo: TORE KRISTIANSEN

VG’s poll for December shows alarming figures for Trygve Slagsvold Vedum: For the first time, Sp is bigger than the Labor Party.

SP leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum gets 20.5 percent support in the recent VG party barometer for December.

This means that he is, by a narrow margin, bigger than Jonas Gahr Støre for the first time. Never before has Respons Analyze, which performs measurements on behalf of VG, measured Sp greater than Labor.

The Labor Party gets 20.3 percent support.

The margin of error in the measurement is between two and three percentage points.

See support from different parties here:

Vedum: – Just one measure

Sp leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum takes the good numbers with a grain of salt.

– We have never had more support than the Labor Party before, that is correct, but this is only one measure. They may vary. All of us who are at parties must remember that parties are not goals in themselves, they are only a means. Q we must say what we think about services close to people, equalize differences, ensure national property and national natural resources. Then the other parties have to say their thing. And then, ultimately, it is the people who are absolutely sovereign to decide. We don’t take a single vote for granted, a serious Trygve Slagsvold Vedum tells VG after the historical measurement was presented to him.

WARNING: Trygve Slagsvold Vedum recalls that this is a single measure. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

– What do you think of the fact that Sp has become bigger than the Labor Party, with which you want in the government? Wouldn’t it have been an advantage to be bigger than the Conservatives in the polls?

– This is a measure, we have to take things a little easier with everything. It’s about what work we’re going to do for the people. We have been the clearest opposition party to the Conservative Party. Conservatives have focused on large-scale operations, strange regions like Viken, and what they called the Local Police Reform, which is the all-time centralization of the Norwegian police, he says, adding:

– The Labor Party has been a bit intermediate in many of these reforms, has been a little more in agreement with the Government on a number of issues, most recently with the Defense Report. We went to find more the National Guard, Andøya and the emergency services in the north, while the Labor Party went along with the Government. We just have to respect that, but in the end it’s people who have to choose what they think is right, says Vedum.

On Tuesday, TV2 published an opinion poll by Kantar showing that the Socialist People’s Party is bigger than the Labor Party and the Conservative Party.

In the VG poll, the Conservatives are the largest party in the country, with a support of 22.9 percent. At the same time, the FRP is returning by three percentage points from November.

See the average measurements from the Survey of Surveys here:

Majority due to change of government

The recent VG party barometer also shows that there is a majority for a change of government.

The red-green parties, the Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party, win a total of 90 seats and, therefore, would have a majority.

RED-GREEN: Trygve Slagsvold Vedum and Jonas Gahr Støre will cooperate in the government. Photo: Terje Pedersen

– Are you going to tell Jonas Gahr Støre, if you meet him later today, that “yes, yes, Jonas, based on these figures, it is probably me, and not you, who should become prime minister”?

– No, I try to focus as little as possible on that with positions, and more on politics.

– I want to be worried about problems. There is too much focus on positions. The most important thing is what we want to do with Norway. I want little differences, and use the whole country, and that has been our success story.

– Is it possible that you did not imagine, when you assumed control of a damaged party in 2014, that you would lead a party larger than the Labor Party?

– I had a clear idea of ​​how I wanted to work. What I called the coffee cup strategy, which consisted of elected representatives and the party having to leave their own meetings and go out to meet people, listen and learn. And recruit members. And that is what we have done. So we have had a clear desire to use the whole country and have services close to the people.

– I am careful not to take a single vote for granted. I know what a vote of confidence is to get votes. I do not want to anticipate any electoral results.

PARTY LEADER: Jonas Gahr Støre leads the Labor Party. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

Not tempted to float

– You are a competitor of Jonas Gahr Støre for votes. Are you able to maintain generosity when you are now older than him, or are you tempted to get a little closer to him when you meet him?

– I’ve never been hanging around when I met him. And I don’t want that either. Pride represents autumn. It doesn’t matter who you know, whether it’s Kjell Ingolf Ropstad or Erna Solberg, I think we should treat each other with respect, and then it’s the people who will ultimately decide who will decide.

The calculation of the mandate grants 50 seats to the governing parties Conservatives, Liberals and KrF. Also, Frp gets 19 seats.

also read

The Labor Party crisis: this is how Støre has lost voters

Historical measurement

Election barometer expert Johan Giertsen on the website tells VG that he has never before seen the Center Party measure larger than the Labor Party.

– I can’t find any previous polls where Sp is bigger than Labor. During the EU parties, SP has had great support, but then the Labor Party was much bigger than today, Giertsen tells VG.

He is also surprised by how strong support is for Trygve Slagsvold Vedum’s party.

– The base figures from the VG / Respons poll show that Sp has a large number of voters from both the Labor Party, the Conservative Party and the Green Party. These are people who have voted before. Therefore, they are considered stronger voters than, say, home caregivers, Giertsen tells VG.

Giertsen believes that Sp is in a period of violent upheaval at the moment:

– Sp gets more than 250,000 voters from the Labor Party, the Conservative Party and the Green Party. It’s more than formidable, says Giertsen, who emphasizes that it is still an open question whether this will hold until the 2021 election.

Giertsen thinks Sp is in a period of tremendous buoyancy right now:

– Sp gets more than 250,000 voters from the Labor Party, the Conservative Party and the Green Party. It’s more than formidable, says Giertsen.

– So the big question is whether this holds until the 2021 elections, he adds without embarking on any attempt to answer.

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