Jan Bøhler, Oslo Police District | Jan Bøhler witnessed the action at Furuset: – Police should have more physical checks


Center Party politician Jan Bøhler witnessed ambulance workers deal with a 14-year-old boy who was found with severe stab wounds on a bus in downtown Furuset on Monday morning. He says that the young people in the area fear revenge.

On Monday night, a 15-year-old boy was charged with the attempted murder of a 14-year-old boy after a fight Monday morning. to write Warn Oslo.

Four young men are said to have barked together at the Lindeberg Pharmacy. The injured boy is said to have been recovered on a bus, before ambulance workers treated him in the center of Furuset at 11:30.

BACKGROUND: 15-year-old charged with 14-year-old attempted murder

I spoke to the youth

One of those who arrived at the scene just after the boy was found on the bus was Storting politician Jan Bøhler. He says that after the incident he stayed in Furuset to speak with witnesses and local youth about what happened.

– I get very restless and worried when things like this happen. That these are so young is absolutely terrible. I felt the need to be there and talk to the youth and others in the area to hear a little about how they experienced the situation, he says. Warn Oslo.

– What do young people say?

– They say that there are more who go with a knife, and many become insecure. In this case, I was told that it was something that had happened over the weekend, and there is concern that there may be retaliation in the next few days.

Disagree this weekend

The police have informed Avisa Oslo that the background to the Monday morning incident may be a conflict that has arisen over the weekend.

Task leader Arve Røtterud from the Oslo police district was in Lindeberg after the incident on Monday afternoon. He tells the newspaper that the police take him seriously when they learn of incidents where young people use dangerous weapons such as a knife to handle conflict.

– When we discover that young people are out of place using a knife for simple things, it is worrying. It’s almost like going to the store with a knife. It’s very serious, says the concerned task leader.

I want knife checks

Jan Bøhler has previously spoken in favor of knife checks on young people, something he still believes the police should use.

– I’m worried that we should do something with so many people who go with a knife. When such incidents occur, more people may think that they have to go with a knife to protect themselves. Police have not kept statistics on stabbings or threats with a knife in Oslo in recent years, but it should start over, so you can get an overview of how this has played out, he says.

– I think that the police should have more physical controls, for example when getting off the subway, and it should be applied to everyone so that no one feels ugly. Going with a knife to a public place is a crime and I think it will be preventive if you intensify the control. In addition, it is necessary to have an action plan where both the police and the parents, in addition to the schools and leisure clubs, are involved in preventive work, he adds.

When asked if metal detectors or other school-related tools could be an alternative, he says this is something for schools and police to consider.

– So far, the most serious incidents with a knife have not occurred in schools, so this is something that schools and police may have to consider in more detail depending on the situation. As far as I know, it has only been used in Bjørnholt’s upper secondary school so far, he concludes.

Read more news in the new Oslo newspaper: Warn Oslo


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