Several school leaders are employed:


– There is no doubt that the behavior of the city council increases the risk of teacher strikes. Teachers get upset when more and more principals are hired and the salary offer they have received at the same time is too poor. I understand well if they choose to go on strike.

Bjørn Revil is a member of the Oslo city council for FNB and is himself a teacher.

Now ask councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV) to stop dating more directors of the Education Agency in Oslo.

He wants more with a million salary: - Absolutely incredible

He wants more with a million salary: – Absolutely amazing

Millions of salary

On Saturday, Dagbladet reported that the controversial Education Agency will hire more principals.

The appointments come after stormy weeks after Dagbladet revealed the salary party at the agency, where agency directors jumped in pay outside of the salary agreement.

– It is entirely possible to stop these new appointments if Inga Marte Thorkildsen so wishes. I would encourage her to do that, says Bjørn Revil.

The new appointments take place at the same time that teachers at the Oslo school have been offered a meager salary arrangement due to the crown crisis. Education Director Marte Gerhardsen also promised to reduce the number of directors at the agency to six when she took office.

But the opposite has happened: today it is close to 30 executives of the agency, and all have more than a million annual salary.

“Serious misinformation”: – Agreement does not exist

– Travelers hair

KrF also opened its eyes when Dagbladet published its article on Saturday.

– I thought “what every day?” If Thorkildsen and Gerhardsen didn’t have much to explain before, at least they do now, Espen Andreas Hasle (KrF) tells Dagbladet.

Inga Marte Thorkildsen does not want to answer Dagbladet’s questions in this case. Thorkildsen refers to statements from the Education Agency that Dagbladet has not received.

– There is nothing wrong with working with the agency structures, but given the signals that the council and the director have given previously, the expectation is that the number of managers will be reduced. Now we need answers. It turns out the case is pretty creepy, says Hasle at KrF.

- She pretended not to know

– She pretended not to know

– Very unfortunate

In addition to a director-level pay party, Dagbladet has also documented millions spent on consultants, headhunters, and American leadership training. The opposition in Oslo, as well as several in the Storting, have reacted strongly to the use of money at the Oslo school run by SV and Thorkildsen.

– Those of the education committee of the municipality are informed little about what appears in Dagbladet. It is very unfortunate. Inga Marte Thorkildsen goes too far in abdicating responsibility, says Bjørn Revil on FNB.

– I think both Thorkildsen and Gerhardsen could have done well with far fewer principals, and then we could have had less bureaucracy and spent the money on those who actually do the work in the Oslo school, that is, the employees of the schools, he continues Revil.

Union leaders and the city council discussed the strikes via SMS

Union leaders and the city council discussed the strikes via SMS

SMS for annoyances

Last week, the school’s team of teachers came out for the first time and reprimanded Inga Marte Thorkildsen for spreading incorrect information to the public.

Earlier, Dagbladet was also able to report that Thorkildsen and education director Marte Gerhardsen feared a strike as a result of the wage match and that they had a very close dialogue with the leader of the Education Association in Oslo. Together, the three agreed on a “wise message” in the face of criticism, which has angered several other unions.

Recently, Dagbladet was also able to report text messages that the controversial pay party at the Oslo school was justified on equal pay grounds.

Aina Stenersen in Oslo Frp is one of those who react strongly to this. Stenersen believes that Thorkildsen has tried to mislead the opposition in Oslo and has not given them the information that he should give.

Dagbladet has previously been able to demonstrate that the leader of the Education Association in Oslo was instrumental in drafting the agreement and that she helped Education Director Gerhardsen find “a smart message” to convey to the critical press.
