ODM, speed limit | Here the speed limit is 30 km / h


Concerned residents have warned of driving at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour in the Kampen zone 30. Now Emil Alnæs and MDG will fix the unforeseen consequence of the parking bans with an even lower speed limit.

The game will reduce the speed limit to 20 kilometers per hour. It is such a low speed that even the Norwegian Public Road Administration does not have the speed limit on its own criteria, that is, there is a speed limit that does not exist in Norway, he writes Warn Oslo.

The background of the proposal is that the municipality has cleared around 150 parking spaces that squeeze the buses and make accessibility difficult for users of the soft road.

Now that the streets have been cleared and cleared, residents have announced a new problem.

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Speed ​​and rough driving

– People react to the fact that there have been higher speeds in Kampen after the change. Now that accessibility has become so good, there are those who see that his average is driving hard, says Emil Alnæs at MDG Old Oslo.

He meets Avisa Oslo along with the leader of Kampen vel, whom many residents have contacted about the problem.

Alnæs at MDG has been told of speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour, but notes that it is based on experiences of people living in an area where they are used to slow speeds.

– That there is someone who has driven 50 km / h in zone 30 is beyond doubt, considers well the leader of Kampen, Tommy Grotterød.

Many are worried

He emphasizes that Velet has not spoken out on the MDG proposal for a zone 20, but adds that they are in favor of measures to reduce speed.

– There are many with young children who are concerned about speeding up. At the same time, we see that many of the measures that have been put in place, such as wider sidewalks and the elimination of parking spaces, have made the streets clearer and more accessible. A lot of positive things have happened, but it has led some people to drive too fast, says Grotterød.

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– How do you see this was an effect of eliminating parking spaces, Emil Alnæs?

– Up to a point, we know that when we release, there will be greater speed. The objective of the buses was also a somewhat higher speed. So it is important to find the right layer. Before, there was little traffic and then it has gotten too fast for some. Then we try to adapt to something that is good and people like.

– Did you anticipate this development?

– Not at the speeds we’ve heard of now.

The ODM politician points out that there is a speed limit of 20 outside the Forsand church in Sandnes and therefore believes in the possibility of bringing this to Oslo. Forsand Church confirms this, but notes that the speed limit applies to a short cobblestone street courtyard between the church and the cemetery.

Mixed reception

With this introduction, Alnæs presented the proposal on the Kampen Facebook group: “I suppose there are quite a few of you who will like the proposal, and some of you will think that we are completely fat.”

As expected, the reception has been mixed. Several question whether the speed limit is a necessary priority and whether it will work.

But a father and daughter on a tricycle appreciate the initiative.

– I’m afraid of cars, we heard Lucy Lovell Talnes (4) tell her father, before stopping them and telling them the proposal.

– I agree that action is necessary and I think some people drive too fast, especially on the negative side of Kampen, says Robert Goldstone..

Lukewarm politicians

Avisa Oslo has created the atmosphere for Zone 20 among various city council politicians. It seems very uncertain whether the MDGs will have an impact.

– Road safety proposals are always good, but at the same time we must be realistic about what works, says Frps Kjell Johansen on the city committee.

He notes that he thought higher speeds could be the consequence as early as when it was decided that parking spaces should be eliminated.

– Every time MDG suggests something, I think people feel like what they are really proposing is to remove the car entirely. If there are good suggestions, there is nothing wrong with that. But more constructive suggestions are possible. To lower the speed limit to 20, I have little confidence that it will work, he continues.

Traditional opponents of the FRP also have politicians who seem lukewarm on the proposal.

– I see that part of the reason is that many who do not comply with 30 km / h. I don’t think it is better served by lowering the speed limit, says Olaf Svorstøl in Rødt.

– We are in favor of measures that can increase road safety, but we think that it is not what is written on the poster that is decisive. Whether it’s 30 or 20, it’s already a problem today that people drive faster than on the signs, says Mats Kvaløy-Bjørbekk in the Labor Party.

Conservative Tjeran Tham Vinje is also critical of the proposal.

MDG’s Emil Alnæs emphasizes that they are also planning other measures to reduce speed in addition to a reduced speed limit, such as narrowing the road surface.

– We want to dialogue with Kampen well and the neighbors in the area appropriate measures, he says.

The case will be discussed in the city committee in Old Oslo on December 10.

Read more cases from the new Oslo newspaper: Warn Oslo


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