Jon Helgheim: – – Dirty games and power struggles


On Saturday, Frp profile Jon Helgheim lost the battle for first place on the Storting’s list in Buskerud Frp.

The Storting representative, Morten Wold, won by 23-17 votes.

– In these three years I have done everything possible for the party, day and night. I can’t do more than this. But my efforts have not been good enough for the Buskerud FRP delegates, Helgheim writes in an SMS to Dagbladet.

– Dirty game

Frp to Erna: - Arrogant

Frp to Erna: – Arrogant

He claims that he lost due to foul play.

– I will never get involved in games and dirty power struggles to get a place, so I’m not screwed. There is too much of that in politics, and this time he won the game, he writes.

Helgheim does not write anything about who has carried out what he describes as foul play.

– Politics is not improved by the fact that I also start with that, so it is better that I am not a candidate, he writes.

Dagbladet has tried to get a comment from Morten Wold about the alleged foul play, but has so far failed.

Surprised Siv: - I have to look at this.

Surprised Siv: – I have to look at this.

Too early to tell

When asked by Dagbladet if there will be a comeback in four years, Helgheim replied Sunday that it is too early to answer today.

– If the party will use me later, time will tell. Then I will take a position on it in that case. I have now been elected to the central board and will do my best in that position, Helgheim writes.

In addition, the sometimes controversial politician wants to thank everyone who has participated in the debate.

– I have probably made noise and I have probably been controversial, but we have also advanced a few steps after intense debates. I have learned a lot and I would like to thank the good colleagues, journalists, rivals and teammates. Thanks for the debate, write.
