I think it will be the train of May 17


Christmas is coming and many are wondering how and with how many can celebrate Christmas. FHI has previously said that this year’s Christmas celebration will not be like we are used to, and health director Bjørn Guldvog has also had to change his plans.

– It will be a Christmas a little more limited than we usually have. We usually see each other on the 23rd, because then my father had his birthday and this year he turned 100. So we had planned to have the extended family there, about 30 to 40 people, but we won’t have that this year, he says.

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He adds that it is still too early to say what measures will be applied throughout the country.

Christmas Eve with those closest to you

On Christmas Eve itself, he will celebrate it with those closest to him.

– This year will be Christmas Eve with my wife, our children and myself. Then there may be some meeting points with those that we consider closest. But we have to think and plan a bit for Christmas.

The health director also reminds those who are going to celebrate Christmas with grandparents or the sick.

– I’m not in a situation where I have elderly parents or someone very ill for whom I have to plan a lot. But it is clear that everyone who has it should plan a little more, and think that if they are going to meet Grandma and Grandpa, they may not have done the same things for the last fourteen days exactly as they would have done otherwise. But be more careful, says Guldvog.

I think it will be the train of May 17

Guldvog said early Saturday that he believes it will be possible to start abolishing the subway rule by late summer.

Before that time, it will be held on May 17, among other things. Although the celebration will probably not be as it usually is, Guldvog believes that we will see the May 17 train also in 2021.

– I think it will be the May 17 train, but it is a bit uncertain what the May 17 trains will be like, he says.

The health director believes that we will be better equipped for the celebration in 2021 than this year.

– We are better prepared this year, so we can make better rules and routines for it. But exactly as we usually have it, with a sea of ​​towns and many comparisons, I think this year will also be difficult, unfortunately.

– Patience for a few more months

On November 18, Guldvog told TV 2 that he dreams of a holiday when this is finally over.

– I hope we go out into the street, hug each other and shout: “Now we are free!” He said at the time.

It is a dream that you have certainly not abandoned.

– Imagine if we have good immunity during the summer, and we can celebrate a bit in the fall and mark that we have now come out of this terrible situation that we have struggled with for so long.

She believes that the loneliness and isolation that many now experience can help spark something creative and positive. He is still pointing the finger at those who think the pandemic will soon end.

– Then I have to remember that it is a little more, so there is a danger that we want that party a little earlier, and that we lower our shoulders already while the first vaccine is given. We must not do that.

– You need to be patient for a few more months.
