People could only talk about one thing after Trump photos


US President Donald Trump met with the press at the White House on Friday night Norwegian time.

After a video conference with members of the United States military in connection with the celebration of Thanksgiving, the president for the first time since the elections would answer questions from journalists.

– It will be very difficult to recognize the electoral defeat, because we know that there was a great electoral fraud. I don’t know what will happen. “I know one thing, and it’s that Joe Biden didn’t get 80 million votes,” Trump said.

There is no evidence of the president’s election fraud allegations.

President Donald Trump met with the press.

President Donald Trump met with the press. Photo: AFP

He promised to leave the White House

During the press conference, Trump was asked if he would leave the White House on January 20 if voters voted for Joe Biden.

“Of course I want it, and you know I want it,” replied the president.

Given Trump’s opposition to the election result, it was striking that he promised to leave the White House in the event of a defeat.

On Twitter, however, it was not the president to which became the big theme. Instead, there was a certain piece of furniture that stole attention.

Make fun

On Twitter, jokes hailed that Trump apparently sat at a rather small desk.

Some joked that someone on the White House staff had played a prank on the president.

Star Wars star Mark Hamill was among those who had fun at Trump’s expense. He has tagged his Twitter message with the hashtag #DiaperDon, like many others who make fun of the photos.

Twitter user “Trends in America” ​​may have found the answer to why the desktop is so small.
