Ropstad and Grøvan in the party vote at the KrF meeting


– I don’t want to comment on that, says Grøvan when Dagbladet asks him what he thinks about Ropstad’s attitude.

However, he is very clear that he did not want to end up in a party vote against the leader of his own party during yesterday’s nomination meeting.

– It was a big mistake. I was never asked about this and I would never have said yes to something like that, says Grøvan.

However, one sixth of the delegates supported Grøvan against the leader of his own party in the battle for first place before the parliamentary elections, according to Vårt Land.

ROPSTAD: – It’s not about KrF or me. It is about the development of society. I worry when I look at our neighboring countries. Video: Dagbladet TV / Mats Rønning
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Lost the election

The nomination meeting decided to make a joint list for the two Agder counties, which are also two different electoral districts in the parliamentary elections next fall. Kjell Ingolf Ropstad tops the list and the deputy representative of the KrF leader, Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius, clearly won the party’s vote against Grøvan for second place.

Thursday’s meeting got off to an unusual start, as the nominating committee leader stated that party leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad had wanted a joint list with Jorunn Lossius in second place.

– His main wish was a joint list with Jorunn Lossius in second place and Hans Fredrik Grøvan in third place, Brovig said according to Fædrelandsvennen.

Brovig is said to have referred to a meeting with Ropstad earlier this fall. The KrF leader did not attend the meeting in person and has not commented on the nomination process externally. It also has not responded to Dagbladet’s questions about the case.

This is how Hareide became a minister

This is how Hareide became a minister


It is very unusual for a party leader to be challenged to vote during a nomination meeting, and of course it gets even spicier because the challenger is the party’s parliamentary leader.

Grøvan says it was not his intention to challenge Ropstad, but he himself will not comment on what he thinks about the KrF leader preferring Lossius as a runner-up.

– How is really the relationship between Ropstad and you?

– We work well together. I have close and daily contact with Kjell Ingolf. We work together with confidence, says Grøvan.

According to Brovig, Ropstad has told the nominating committee that it has a responsibility to secure a man and a woman in the top two spots. With Grøvan in second place, the KrF roster in Agder would have had two men at the helm.

Ridiculed after this

Ridiculed after this

Critical for the common list

Hans Fredrik Grøvan has two terms behind him at the Storting, after he himself defeated former KrF MP Dagrun Eriksen in the party’s vote during the nomination meeting in Vest-Agder in 2012.

He himself is among those who think Vest- and Aust-Agder should have made two lists in next year’s election. He fears that votes will be lost.

– The nominating committee was split in half on this issue. Vest-Agder is almost double Aust-Agder in the number of votes, and I think two lists would have helped to get more people involved in the election campaign, says Grøvan.

Prayer of KrF: - Don't give up!

Prayer of KrF: – Don’t give up!

Not bitter

Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius defeated Grøvan in the match by voting for second place with 81 to 38 votes.

– I feel great gratitude. This is honorable and great. I will manage the term by a good margin, Lossius said according to Vårt Land minutes from Thursday’s nomination meeting.

Since Grøvan himself would not be in third place, KrF’s parliamentary leader will end up as parliamentary representative next fall.

fear the collapse of KrF “href =” “>

Party veteran fears the collapse of KrF

fear the collapse of KrF

– I wasn’t unprepared for this. I would like to thank you for the confidence for eight years and I am not bitter today. I wish good luck to the new team that will lead KrF towards the parliamentary elections, says Grøvan.

He admits that the game is now going “uphill” and adds that it will be very important to ensure a good result in the key counties of KrF, Rogaland and Agder.
