Wage match at Oslo school – ‘Serious misinformation’:


– This is a serious misinformation from the city council.

The leader of the Norwegian Teachers Association in Oslo, David Løvbræk, settles in with the school counselor Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV).

The reason is the revelations about the directors’ salary party at the education agency and Thorkildsen’s claim after he changed the procedure in consultation with the school unions.

This is not true, according to Løvbræk.

– What the council says does not imply correction. From what I can see, she has only spoken to one union, namely the Education Association, she says.

Previously, Dagbladet was also able to report that Thorkildsen and education director Marte Gerhardsen feared a strike as a result of the salaried party and that they had a very close dialogue with the leader of the Education Association in Oslo. Together, the three agreed on a “wise message” in the face of criticism, which has angered several other unions.

Union leaders and the city council discussed the strikes via SMS

Union leaders and the city council discussed the strikes via SMS

– The agreement does not exist

Thorkildsen posted the message that Løvbræk believes to be incorrect on Facebook on October 25 and repeated it on “Dagsnytt 18” on November 2.

He repeated it again in a post on Morgenbladet on November 20.

– The agreement you talk about all the time, simply does not exist, more than a possible informal agreement in the back room between the Education Association and the City Council. Formally, the agreement does not exist, says Løvbræk.

- She pretended not to know

– She pretended not to know

– You want to create an impression

The National Association of Schools, Creo, Econa and Tekna were also on the sidelines of the solution that Thorkildsen made with the Education Association and transmitted through Dagbladet.

– However, Thorkildsen repeats over and over again that he has reached an agreement with the unions. Thus, Thorkildsen leads us to income for something in which we have not participated. This is to create the impression that it has a united front in the union movement behind it. She doesn’t have that, he adds.

This week, Dagbladet was also able to report text messages in which the controversial pay party at the Oslo school was justified on equal pay grounds.

Aina Stenersen in Oslo Frp is among those who react strongly to this. Stenersen believes that Thorkildsen has tried to mislead the opposition in Oslo and has not given them the information he should give.

Salary cut: - People are pissed off

Salary cut: – People are pissed off

– Culture

Dagbladet has previously been able to show that the leader of the Education Association in Oslo was instrumental in drafting the agreement and that she helped Education Director Gerhardsen find “a wise message” to convey to the critical press.

Løvbræk believes that the case reveals a culture.

– For a long time, we have an agreement in Oslo that discriminates against unions that are not as big as the Education Association. This discrimination is now legitimized by the city council.

New bill: 260,000 in American coaching

New bill: 260,000 in American coaching

– The only municipality

In addition to a director-level pay party, Dagbladet has also documented millions spent on consultants, headhunters, and American leadership training. The opposition in Oslo, as well as several in the Storting, have reacted strongly to the use of money in the Oslo school run by SV and Thorkildsen.

When Dagbladet reported on the salaried party earlier this fall, Thorkildsen, education director Marte Gerhardsen, and the Oslo leader of the Education Association were quick to find a “solution”: looking forward, the union movement should be better included in the salary policy of the education agency.

But Løvbræk has not heard a word about the case. And the Norwegian Codetermination Committee in Oslo (MBU) has no right to meet with the Norwegian Association of Speakers.

– Is it not allowed to sit at the adult table?

– You can put it like that. Oslo is the only municipality in the country where we do not have the right to participate in co-determination meetings with the school owner.

Summoned to a salaried five-hour barbecue

Summoned to a salaried five-hour barbecue

Taus Town Hall

Since the salaried party was first mentioned, the city council has conducted interviews with NRK and Morgenbladet, not with Dagbladet.

In an email to Dagbladet, she does not respond to Dagbladet’s questions, but does give the following comment to Lektorlaget’s criticism:

– I have not made agreements with unions on salary determinations in the education agency. The initiative came from the Education Association, which together with the management of the education agency agreed to change the salary determination system, and anchored it in the codetermination committee, where other unions are also represented. I am aware that the education agency will convene the organizations next week for a meeting on this subject. There, the various unions will have the opportunity to present their views, says Thorkildsen.
