Øyunn Krogh: – Resigned from work


– Actually, it is not the crown that has put me without a job, says the winner of “Sommerhytta” Øyunn Krogh (25) to Dagbladet.

Along with her boyfriend Levi Try (23), she got away with victory in the popular TV 2 competition earlier this fall and has received enormous attention ever since. Among other things, they have had to defend the victory, but they have also noticed enormous pressure on their social media channels.

Krogh’s career dream has long been to make a living off social media, a goal he had set for himself at the age of 25. So you have now chosen to quit your second “regular” job.

This happens with the cabins

This happens with the cabins

Follow the dream

She had previously worked as an environmental therapist for children with autism, but saw no other way out than to resign herself to following the dream.

– In a job like this, you have to give a lot of yourself at all times and then I didn’t have energy for my own projects, he says.

BETTING: Øyunn quit his job and is betting on a completely different career.  Photo: Private, reproduced with permission.

RATES: Øyunn quit her job and is pursuing a completely different career. Photo: Private, reproduced with permission.
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So she was the nail in the coffin for the job, and today she’s unemployed and didn’t have a concrete plan to go to.

– I have several other projects going on and will also start with YouTube, says Krogh, who has also gained a huge following on the popular TikTok app.

There you can post short snippets about exactly what you want, and in no time many have opened the 25-year-old’s eyes. At the time of writing, it is followed by more than 56,000 users.

“SUMMER HOUSE”: Øyunn Krogh and Levi Try won “Sommerhytta”, but not without problems on the road. Video: TV 2 «Late at night with Helene and Stian» that you see on Friday at 10:15 pm on TV 2 and TV 2 Sumo
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– It went really fast. There aren’t many who are 25 in that app, at least not when I started, but I think people want someone they can recognize themselves in. And then the app has been on my computer and has displayed my content, she points out.

However, Krogh can say that he hasn’t gained much from the app in question so far and that he chooses any collaboration carefully.

Arouse reactions after this

Arouse reactions after this

– In fact, I hold back a bit when it comes to commercial collaborations. I have a number of young fans and so I will think carefully before saying yes to something, he notes, but adds:

– Now I am unemployed and I have to pay the rent, so there may be times when I have to say yes.

Must rent cabin

When Dagbladet talks to her on Thursday, the 25-year-old from Ås can also say that she and her boyfriend were forced to rent the cabin they won on TV 2. It’s just about the financial aspect of keeping it the same.

– You don’t think you have to fix things. Levi is a student and I am unemployed and there are expenses that we have to cover, electricity and other taxes.

HURT: When Preben Karlsen (28) was going to use an electric saw on the TV show 2 “Sommerhytta”, things went wrong. – Saga grabs my pinky and ring fingers, says Karlsen. Video: TV 2
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The duo already have several interested parties, most of the “Sommerhytta” fans, and some even want to stay at the cabin as a Christmas present.

– We are very confident that it will be well taken care of since it is the fans of the program who have largely rented it.

I lost my job: - Sad and surreal

I lost my job: – Sad and surreal

You can still tell that they probably won’t make a fortune borrowing the cabin, but hopefully they will reach zero.

– Have you considered selling the cabin?

– No way. It is clear that there is a good mortgage if we were to buy an apartment, but now I do not have a fixed income once, he responds.

SAVE THE PRIZE: Levi and Øyunn have no plans to sell the hut, which is worth around three million kronor.  Rather, they have found another solution.  Photo: TV 2

CONTAINS THE PREMIUM: Levi and Øyunn have no plans to sell the hut, which is worth around three million crowns. Rather, they have found another solution. Photo: TV 2
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When the couple won the booth, it was a moving affair and tears rolled down their cheeks as the confetti fell on them.

– It was so even in the final that the outcome was completely open. So it was bigger to emerge victorious from the competition, the pair told Dagbladet after the victory.

Many reactions

As mentioned, the victory generated great participation in social networks and, despite the congratulations, several also expressed their discontent that it was Krogh and Try who won.

I lost my dream job

I lost my dream job

In the comment fields of several Norwegian media, several have pointed out that the couple did not deserve to win, that they were the worst craftsmen and that the cabin was the worst of the four cabins.

Krogh and Try’s dream cabin is also known as the “Fretex cabin”.

At the time, the couple had decided not to comment on the negative feedback and explained that they were happy that it ended as it did.

RISKY: Tiktok’s “Bass Pro” challenge made things go wrong for this man. Video: Storyful. Journalist: Jeanette N. Vik
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Who are very proud of their own carpentry work, and not least of the result, they had no doubts either.

– We are very happy with the end result, and we have shown the cabin to friends and family, they said.

When Dagbladet talks to Krogh on Thursday, she says they have used and will use the cabin a lot.

She may also reveal that she signed with Nordic Screens (a journaln.anm talent network) on Wednesday, which she is sure will help her on her way to career in television and social media.
