Donald Trump – Opens for Biden


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): More than two weeks after Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was declared the winner of the Nov.3 election, U.S. President Donald Trump finally agreed to initiate the formal transfer of power to Biden. But he still refuses to admit defeat.

On Monday afternoon local time, Biden finally got the message from the General Services Administration (GSA) that they are ready to begin the formal transition process of the Trump administration, reports CNN.

- Fear of the team made up of idiots

– Fear of the team made up of idiots

Letter received

This is stated in a letter sent by GSA Director Emily Murphy. Murphy, who has been appointed by Trump, has to this day refused to sign the necessary permits, which give Biden access to some resources that he can use in the transition phase.

It is the federal General Services Administration (GSA) that declares the winner of the election. It usually doesn’t happen until the losing candidate acknowledges defeat, something President Donald Trump consistently refuses to do.

Murphy has been under massive pressure to sign as Biden was declared the winner more than two weeks ago by all of the major US media outlets. This at the same time that Trump has made accusations without any documentation that the elections have been stolen from him through extensive electoral fraud.

This is the Biden government: - There is no time to waste

This is the Biden government: – There is no time to waste

– Not pressed

– Please note that I made my decision independently, in accordance with the law and available facts. I was never pressured directly or indirectly by anyone in government, including those working in the White House or the GSA, in terms of the substance or timing of my decision. To be clear: I was not given any direction to delay my decision, Murphy writes in the letter.

WANTS TO WORK: Joe Biden has transitioned into the presidency, but lacks information on Donald Trump. Video: AP
see more

Murphy’s decision became public knowledge shortly after the state of Michigan decided to ratify his votes and concluded that Biden won the state with more than 150,000 votes.

The letter indicates that Murphy formally approved Biden’s election victory and that the formal transfer of power can now begin. Usually this decision is a bureaucratic act that does not get much attention. Murphy’s decision means that Trump administration staff can begin coordinating with incoming people from the Biden administration. It also gives Biden access to millions of public dollars that he can spend on the transition.


Trump himself has yet to acknowledge defeat, but on Twitter he says he supports Murphy’s decision, and has asked his staff to initiate the transfer of power. At the same time, he still claims that he will win the match.

– I want to thank Emily Murphy from GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our country. She has been harassed, threatened, and abused, and I don’t want it to happen to her, her family, or the GSA staff. Our case goes on STRONG, the good fight will continue, and I believe we will win! In any case, for the good of our country, I recommend to Emily that her team do whatever it takes regarding the first protocols. And I have asked my team to do the same, writes outgoing US President Donald Trump. Twitter.

Internal struggle in the

Infighting in Trump’s “elite force”

– Necessary

Biden himself believes that Murphy’s decision is an absolutely necessary step.

– The GSA chief has stated that future President Joe Biden and future Vice President Kamala Harris are the apparent winners of the election. This provides the incoming administration with the resources and support necessary to carry out a smooth and peaceful transfer of power. Today’s decision needs to address the challenges facing the country, including controlling the pandemic and recovering our economy, Biden’s campaign writes in a statement.

SWEAT RUNS: Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, sweated so much at the press conference that he overflowed on social media. Video: AP
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They warn that they will spend the next few days meeting with personnel from federal institutions to discuss the pandemic and national security.

Biden has long been in full swing to strengthen his administration, but until now he has not had access to important information from the Trump administration.
