Former municipal leader charged with aggravated embezzlement


(Nord24) SThe Troms and Finnmark prosecutor has brought charges against a former Tromsø municipality leader for embezzlement of municipal funds.

The case was settled after revelations at Nordlys that a municipal employee sold municipal assets and kept the pay private. Two municipal employees were fired and reported by their employer, Tromsø Municipality.

Only one of the former employees has been charged. A fine has been issued for the other employee, police attorney Trude Kvanli tells Nord24.

The accusation includes a violation of Penal Code § 325 cf. § 324, gross embezzlement of at least NOK 1,100,000, where the defendant has acquired at least NOK 1,029,000, it is stated in a press release.

The defendant has sold, among other things, tires and municipal tools to individuals, and the conditions apply to the period 2013 to 2019.

– The investigation has been extensive, both due to the fact that it is a relatively long period, as well as the large number of documents and because it has taken a long time to collect relevant information in the case, says the police attorney for the Troms Police District , Trude Kvanli in the press release.

The case will be sent to the North Troms District Court for a scheduled hearing.
