Trump demands another count in Georgia – NRK Urix – News and foreign documentaries


Georgia, which has historically been a stronghold for Republicans, was won by Joe Biden with a preponderance of just over 12,000 votes. The margin was so small after the first count of the machine that the manual recount began.

The tally showed that there were some mistakes in the first round, with Biden’s lead later narrowing from 14,000 to 12,670 votes.

Georgia election officials and the state’s governor, Republican Brad Kemp, formally approved the election results on Friday. Thus, the 16 voters of the state went to Joe Biden.

But since the margin was only 0.25 percent, the losing party has the right to demand another recount. This third round will be carried out with counting machines.

The formal investigation into this was received in Georgia on Saturday night.

Lawsuits Denied in Pennsylvania

At the same time this happened, the campaign Trump received a cold shower in Pennsylvania.

A federal judge on Saturday rejected a lawsuit by Trump’s lawyers, who wanted to cast millions of votes by mail and set aside the election result.

In Judge Matthew Brann’s court decision, he bluntly states that the claim is unfounded. He calls debts “speculative”.

Matthew brann

CRUSHING: Matthew Brann is a Republican and has shown a crushing feature of the Trump campaign demand.

Photo: Mark Nance / AP / NTB

– It is not for a court to violate the constitution, writes the judge on the basis of the claim.

CNN describes the lawsuit as “humiliating.”

– In the United States, it is not correct to take the right to vote from a single voter, and certainly not from all voters in the state with the sixth highest population. Our people, our laws and our institutions are demanding more, writes the judge who is a Republican.

30. legal loss for Trump

This lawsuit was the last of those filed by the Trump campaign, which was broad enough to have a majority in one state.

According to CNN, Saturday’s loss is at least the 30th time Trump’s lawyers have lost or sued over the election result.

In only two cases they have won, and in those cases have been very few votes.

Biden’s margin of victory in Pennsylvania was more than 81,000 votes.


After the lawsuit was rejected, Pennsylvania congratulated its Republican Senator Pat Tooney, Joe Biden on the electoral victory in the state.

Pat tooney

Republican Pat Tooney congratulated Joe Biden on the Pennsylvania win.

Photo: Alex Brandon / AP / NTB

Therefore, Biden has secured 20 Pennsylvania voters when only missing some state results.

So far, Biden leads Trump with 306 to 232 voters. That is enough to ensure the winner. All state elections will hold the formal presidential election in December.
