Man with gunshot wounds “delivered” to Østfold hospital – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


Operations leader Terje Skaftnes in the eastern police district tells NRK that it is unclear where and how the man received the gunshot wounds.

– Police have not yet received information from the man himself, says operations manager Terje Skaftnes.

It won’t say if the man has been questioned. He didn’t want to say anything about the man’s age or hometown.

– was delivered

The man arrived at Østfold Kalnes hospital around 10 p.m. on Saturday.

Police do not know for sure how the man got to the hospital, but say he “was turned over.” He was not transferred by ambulance.

They also don’t want to say anything about the severity of the condition or whether the man’s body is injured.

“We won’t comment on this now, Skaftnes told NRK at one o’clock last night.”

Confirm to NTB that they know the man’s identity.

When he arrived he was conscious. He receives no treatment for the gunshot wounds.

– We have information on gunshot wounds from the hospital. It may well have happened in Oslo as in Østfold. That’s why we asked the public for advice on the case, Skaftnes says.
