Michigan Election Approval To Postpone – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


The deadline for the approval process is originally set for Tuesday, November 23.

Michigan state house leaders said earlier today that they know nothing to cast doubt on the outcome of the election.

The National Republican Party writes in a letter to the Michigan board that they want an investigation of the votes in Wayne County, Reuters reports.

Donald Trump wants the Republican majority in the state assembly to designate new state voters, who on December 14 will cast their vote for him and not for Biden.

December 14 is the date that all electors from every state in the United States will meet to elect a new president. By December 8, disputes over the election must be resolved and voters must be appointed.

New Trump campaign strategy

What is happening in Michigan seems to be repeating itself elsewhere.

The news agencies AP and Reuters write that the Trump campaign abandons the strategy with demands and, instead, tries to pressure the electoral commissioner not to approve or, in the best case, delay the election results, so that break the deadlines of local election laws.

On Thursday, three more lawsuits, in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia, were dismissed.
