Time, danger warning | The meteorologist with a strong warning for the weekend:


Bad weather across the country is expected to last through the weekend. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has issued several yellow hazard warnings.

Along the coast from western Norway to northern Norway, gales and storms have been reported in various locations, reports the Yr Meteorological Institute.

People are advised to secure loose items and there is a danger that ferries, planes and other means of transportation will be canceled. Bridges can also be closed.

See the hazard warnings from yr.no

Yellow flood warnings were also issued in Rogaland and Vestland counties. Residents are asked to stay away from streams and rivers with large flows of water and to do what they can to ensure that the water flows unhindered.

Heavy rains have also increased the risk of landslides.

In the mountains of southern Norway, there is a danger of snowstorms on Saturdays and Sundays due to snow and strong winds. Heavy snowfall is also expected in Troms and along the coastal areas and the fjords in western Finnmark.

Also read: Short break from the storm: – It will not be a quiet weekend for anyone

The snow arm can provide challenging driving conditions. Column driving can also be introduced or roads can be closed on short notice.

On Saturday and Sunday, very high water levels are also expected in eastern Norway.

Bad weather is expected to last through the weekend.

(© NTB)


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